||Joining the Crowd||

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~Kyro's Pov~
I hear some screams, and then a loud thump outside of the cave.
"What the.."

I run into the starry night. To my surprise, Caden, Jackson, and Nici were laying down on the ground.

"what?? Is this an illusion?"
I thought to myself.

"Ugh.. There wasn't a more, oh I don't know.. Safe way to get into here?"
Caden asked with an annoyed expression.

Jackson replied with with a slight smile, lifting his glasses slightly just enough to make them shine; "Nah, this way is 20% cooler."

I wanted to listen in more, but I immediately hopped up. "GU-"
Before I could finish my sentence, someone placed their hand over my mouth preventing me from saying a word.

"Shh, don't say anything!"

I looked back over to the boys, and they were already heading into the unknown.. The forest.

I Jabbed the stomach of the person covering their hand on my mouth.
"Who the hell-" I turn around to see Carlie holding her stomach.

"My.. Good looks.." We're the only words she could say, before falling to the ground.

"Carlie, what was that for??"

"Look, Kyro, they're on their own mission. We can't bother them yet! Just trust me. Jackson knows what he's doing. I think.. Well, he's seen this place before but.."

"I ought to slap you. But, now at least Caden will trust me. All I've wanted was, just a bit of it from him. Maybe more time to survive will give more trust to me.. I hope."

She smiles.
"Right! Also, we're roasting marshmallows now-"

Before she could finish her sentence, we heard, an explosion and laughter coming from the cave.

I immediately bright my bow out and ran with Carlie to the sight.


"Hey Cat!~"

"Mila, I told you my name is Cathrine."

"Yeah whatever.. How many slices do you think we could make this elf into?"

A girl with blonde hair was holding Anthony by the collar.

"H-hey, can't we all just get along!"

I looked around for Tatum, who was in a light pink cage-like container.


"Mila.. Weren't there two other people here?"

"Yeah, once we get these brats back to the base, we can just retrieve the other two EASILY!"
She used a maniacal laugh.

I've had enough of this.

My bow was aiming for her heart. I was ready to use Ice Shard on that bloody excuse for a human being.

"Oh no! Cat! I think I'm going to die!..

Of LAUGHTER! This is just TOO good."
The blonde girl said, flipping her hair in the process.

Carlie went into her pixie form and hid behind my shoulder, whispering in my ear.
"Kyro! Are you crazy! We have to get out of here!"

"I'm not leaving without Tatum. And I'm sick of these apocalypse pricks thinking they can control everyone. I've had enough."

I look over to see Tatum with a tear in her eye.

The only words that came out of her mouth, were; "Cat.. I thought we were friends.."
   ~Caden's Pov~
"What are we even looking for?"
I asked, my feet beginning to hurt.

Jackson continued walking with his hands in his pocket.
"You'll see."
Hiya!~ I just wanted to give out a small little chapter, since I was in active for so long =3. Hope you enjoyed!

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