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~Kyro's Pov~
It's taking at least 5 guards to get her grip off his collar..
The guard who is feeling Tatum's wrath had shouted, loud enough to make my ears hurt. Jerk.

Did she just...
She did. Oh my lord.
Right then and there I started dying of laughter. What? Come on this is hilarious! A security guard is getting his butt kicked by a rabbit.. I mean how could this get any better?
Oh, I guess that's how. Did she just hiss like a cat? Yes she did.

They finally got her grip off his collar.. I'm pretty sure she used her claws during that, since he had red scratch marks all over his face.. Guess it was a mistake to take off his helmet.
He started running down the hall, followed by 5 others. Only one of the guards stayed. He backs up a little, but doesn't look scared.. Actually, he doesn't look scared or angry for that fact. If anything he seems to be pretty calm.

"We came down here originally to ask you if you needed anything, and to give some information about where you are."
Tatum seems to be sharpening her claws against the cement wall, so I guess i'm just gonna talk to him..
"Ok, well can we have a free pass out of this place?"

He looks to the left some.
"Ehhhh, well I can't give you that sadly but I can offer some food or drinks."
I didn't really feel thirsty, nor hungry for that matter. Food may be a little hard to get but come on, I don't trust these people whatsoever. I can just drink whatever potions Tatum has, not the ones that taste gross.. I'm pretty sure they're bad for your Heath anyways.
Wait did he say sadly?  "Sadly?"
He sits down against the wall. "Well, yea. I mean unless you're happy that you're about to fight for your lives-"
I cut him off.
"Of course we aren't."

"Then yeah, sadly. Hey, not all the guards here are mean and evil. He was, of course, but I try helping you guys.
Ok, so if he try's helping us then what's his name?
"What's your name?"
"Alex." He says. That's a pretty nice name, I mean I like it at least. I'm not sure if Tatum does.. Wait it sounds like she's muttering some, um, profanity while writing something on the walls..

"Well, there are 3 rounds in total this time. If you beat the first round, your prize is an upgraded room and a mirror, and some bread."
What? A mirror? "What why a mirror?" I ask.
"Apparently it's meant for you to see yourself as triumphant. Don't ask me why, I don't question Gp's logic."

Wait.. Maybe I can use the mirror to my advantage.
"Ok, thank you."
"No problem. Also, good luck. I hope to see you guys afterwards."
"Thanks." With that, he walks away and puts his helmet on.
I guess he was the one who wasn't laughing in the group of guards.. Didn't I say that? That there was one who didn't? No? Oops. I must have been to on edge to think it.

"Well, now what?" Tatum says to me. Geeze, her nails are really sharp.. She must have been sharpening them a lot.
"Hey, it looks like you're bleeding on your cheek."
"Hm?" She touches it and looks at her hand. Yep, blood.
"I'm pretty sure one of them accidentally cut me with their sword... No biggy."

She whispers words that sound beautiful... But defiantly aren't in the English language.
After she says that, a somewhat small black cat appears in front of her. Ohhh, that must be her Cerine.
They're creatures who are someone's pet and best friend after awhile. They each have Taliens, which are basically talents much more advanced.
"This is nostalgia." She pets her fluffy friend. Nostalgia purs, and lays down for a belly rub. Awe, that's so sweet. It looks like she's glowing as well, almost like a ghost.. But all the Cerines do that anyways.
"She's gonna help me get my bag back. Her Talien is fetching items I want, if it's in reasonable range. The cat purrs and rubs against Tatum's legs. In about 2 sec, her bag appears in front of her, glowing at first then loses it after some amount of time.
"Wait a minute, if it's Talien is fetching items.. Why can't you just fetch the key out of here?
She searches through her sad and brings out a light pink potion.
"Well for one thing, he can only do it once every hour. We'd have to wait another hour to use it, even then the barrior in this.. Cell place thingy won't allow her to use it fully. Luckily my bag was near the cell."

"Ohh ok." I say.
It looks like her wound is healed, and she looks up to me.
"What about yours? Do you have one?"

I felt tears forming in my eyes. I didn't feel anything, but honestly I missed her so much.
"Yeah, it was Holly. She was my best friend.. Then she tried helping us against an attack in Apocalypse, but they almost over powered us.. Well, until she used too much of her Spirit. She didn't die, but was in internal sleep. She saved us, at least."
I felt a tear escape my eye.

I wipe it away. I can tell she was in her own thoughts to.
"Doesn't matter anyways, shes gone for a good cause."

I just wish I could hug her one more time.

~Jacksons Pov~

I'm getting a headache at this point. They've been arguing for the past 10 minutes, none stop about who's fault it is that we're in the Gp jail..
Nic's voice gets lower.
"Oh sorry, I'd rather not touch your trash."

Oh boy..

"THATS IT!" He tackles Nic. They both seem pretty evenly matched,
I wonder who'd win if they got into an actual fight.
It looks like someone walks into the room. They sit at a desk like table, and shuffle some papers. Hm... Maybe I can get some information off him.
I walk over to the bars and lift my glasses up.
"Excuse me dear sir, mind chatting for a bit?"

The man lowers his hat some, and focuses his attention towards me.
"So, I know we're in the Gp jail.. For what again?"

"For interfering with Gp Candidates."
Ah, that's why.
"There must be some mistake, they didn't sign up for the Dome."

He checks his papers. I reassure him it's Kyro and Tatum, and he looks back at me, then his paper, then me again. and me and his paper.
"It says they have been signed up, right here,"
He shows me the paper. I've seen Kyro's handwriting, she wrote out me directions on a map when Amelia asked her. That's defiantly not it..besides, they were with us the whole time. Well, with Caden or Nic at least.
"Hmm right. Excuse me, but what did the maiden look like?"

He shuffled his papers some more and slowly answered.
"Let's see..black hair, that goes down to her shoulders. She had jeans, a black shirt, and a chain on her jeans. She had a black, dark aura around her.. She looked like she might have had fangs. I think her name was Lilli?"

Hm.. That's defiantly not Kyro or Tatum.
"Ah, thank you. But this is all a misunderstanding. You see, we were actually attacked in the process of leaving. They were stripped from us randomly, without warming."

"Is that so? Well, let me consult this with the head guard. You should be realized by morning."

"Thank you sir."
He nods, and leaves on that note.

Part one complete. Now comes the fun.

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