~The GamePlan~

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                ~Caden's Pov~
I never realized she had such a hard time. I wish I knew where her brothers grave was... So I could visit it, and pay my respects.

"It looks like we're getting really close to the dome..." Her face was now filled with concern, but wasn't scared.

I don't think anybody liked the dome, but some had to do it. Even with the small rewards, they still mattered. It was that, or die.. but the dome was all generated. The biomes, the weapons.. None of it was truly real, except for the death. That's why I never told Kyro about it... I never wanted her going there. Actually, I never wanted her going near there. Later she found out on her own of course, but I hope she made the right choice.

"So." Tatum was trying to start a conversation, since I seemed to zone out a lot. "What's the game plan?"
She had some bounce in her step. At least she was peppy.

"Game plan?" I never though of a game plan...
"Right, a game plan."

How was I supposed to answer that?

"Ummmm go in, find her and get out?"
I asked hoping she would agree... But no.
"You know it doesn't work like that! We have to dodge all the gamest, unless you want to be tossed in a match."

She was right... Again.
"I'd rather not have my last breath taken by a cheater."

Good! Then we're on the same track."


~Kyro's Pov~
I remembered. It was horrible.. My faction all left, everyone gone and the people who didn't make it out...

Nic continues his story.
"I immediately go over to the girl, and lift her up running towards the caves exit, while Caden leads me out of there. I follow his light green jacket, the smoke blinding me. I find myself tripping and ending up somewhere else in the village, the fire blazing on top the houses. I look all directions, making sure not to drop the girl. I had to jump through the fire.. But which way? I look toward the east, and find water on the other side of the villages wall. I knew which way I was gonna jump.."

I stand up. I knew what he did, which explains why his eyes are different... The ashes darkened one.

"Yea. I set the girl down and splashed my face with water. I install hear yelling.
I look at Caden running towards me with his sword in hand. I already knew what he was going to try to do.. He was going to blame me for the fire. I didn't blame him... Someone strange randomly appears in the village, then suddenly the day after the village burns down? I would be angry at a certain someone as well.
The girl has started waking up, looking around as if she didn't know where she was or what had happened. I started backing away from Caden charging me with a sword. I instantly ran, with my sword on my back, hoping the forest would hide me.
Time passed, and even though I ran... I stayed close to you guys. This may sound like a baby but.. You guys kinda felt like family to me. I never told you I was there, but..."

He didn't have to say anymore. I wasn't mad.
"It's ok, at least now I know you aren't some creepy stalker guy!" I smile hoping he would laugh a little, and it worked.
"Alright, the dome is getting closer. Your house is on that way, maybe if we got horses we could just run through the dome instead of around it.." He starts trailing off thinking of ways to get back to the house.

I started wondering how Caden was doing. He trusted me...right? Sometimes he goes a little over board in things.

He trusts me.

Nic interrupted my thoughts.

"Ok, we'll take horses through the dome, to make time pass quicker. When we go, keep your head down, follow me and don't say anything. If someone says something to you, just let me speak, ok?"


This is gonna be a looong trip..

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