A Past

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~Nic's Pov~
"A long, long time ago, I lived in the faction Shadowcliff. I don't remember my parents, or if I had any family, but I remember being homeless there. People would feed me and all that, but I would find myself wondering around, trying to find a cave or burrow to sleep in. I wanted to hide myself from the thunder, cause I was afraid of it at the time... Heh... Anyways, I ended up hearing some adults talk about a faction with so much beauty was to be attacked by us.

I was only a child, but boy did those words hit me like a train. I wondered, why would people attack something that didn't do anything wrong? I spied on their conversation some more, learning the faction they were talking about was Gray Mist... Your faction. I left that night, after taking food of course to find you guys.

When I arrived, I was greeted by this girl who looked about the same age as me. She had a smile on, with cat ears and a cat tail. I thought she was Wierd, because I'd never seen a KiriKat at the time. I asked her her name, and she said Kyra. She grabbed my hand, still smiling of course, and dragged me to a fountain place. It wasn't long after a small boy joined us, who looked about the same age as well.

"Kyra....Slow.....Down!" He was trying to catch his breath I'm between words, like he had been running for awhile. "Hey Caden!" The tiny girl played with flowers in her hair. Her ears twitched and she had giggled. I felt happy around her, like she was radiating with pure joy. I spent the night with them, in the cave with the gorgeous fountain she showed me. Apparently, they didn't have homes either. I didn't ask them why, it would seem rude.

"The stars are so pretty, I wish I could catch one!" The girl beamed and brought our her claws, pretending to grab a star scratching the sky." "It's impossible to catch stars, Kyra!" The boy, who was apparently Caden, had shot up from laying down looking at her.
"Hmmm, then I guess I'll catch them in my dreams!" The girl smiled and yawned. "Speaking of which..." Her eyes looked droopy, like all her energy needed to be re-charged. "
The boy slightly smiled grabbing a sword that was on his back, that looked like stone.
"I'll keep watch tonight, you go to sleep." He eyed me like he didn't trust me.
"Ok! Goodnight you 2!" She instantly fell asleep with a Liliac in her hand, cuddling it.
I decided to sleep somewhere else in the cave, since Caden didn't seem like he liked me-

"Wait wait wait." Kyro interrupted me.
"So you're saying you knew us before this point?"
"Yes, may I continue now?"
She nods, allowing me to continue my story.
"I had woken up pretty quickly. It seemed like it was close to wake up time, but.. I felt sonething was wrong.
"Kyra!! Kyra wake up!! Kyra!!"
I saw Caden shaking the girl. "She's out cold.. Come on! Help me get her out of here!" I look around confused, how did she pass out? Why did she?
My answer came to me pretty soon, when I saw fire surrounding the village outside the cave.

       ~Tatum's Pov~
"When I was younger, my big brother and I lived in the faction Forthwind. For awhile, we knew everybody, and even made friends with most of the children. Times were pretty rough.. There wasn't enough food to go around so.. we were abandon by our parents.

I learned how to make potions and became more aware of things in nature, while my brother became a bard and was our hunter.
One day, when I was 11, my brother and I were running away from people... Some powerful faction..when he got shot down and killed. I threw an invisibility potion on us and took his body to the woods for a proper burial , that I still visit it to this day.

"Wow." He was speechless, I guess it's a little more then what he expected.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know-"
"It's fine." I tell him. "Hey, if I'm gonna be living with you guys, you should probably get to know me!" I laugh a little, so does he.

"Alright, it looks like we're getting close. Wanna set up camp here? "Sure." I set down my backpack, and sat on the grass.

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