What we see in the Dark

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~Caden's Pov~
After that entire incident, I look over to see the girl who was walking towards us is gone. "Great," I mumble.
"What was that Frat?" She takes off her brown backpack and places it on the floor. She continues to search through it for food, and pulls out two apples.
"I have a name, ya' know." I look at her with an annoyed face, I mean how couldn't I? I was about to find my friend when all of a sudden this, I don't know, bunny haired girl tackles me then splashes me with an invisible potion? I highly doubt you'd be too happy right now either.
"I was just thinking. Tatum, was it?" She looks at me and smiles. "Don't were it out!" She says as she sits down.

"Oh no.." I look at the sky as the sun slowly starts to fall, and the moon starts to rise. "I have to find her!" He looks around frantically.
"Who? She asks confused. "My friend, I was a little harsh and demanding.. Ok long story short she ran off to the shop and I came to look for her." She stares at me for a moment, then looks up in the sky, like she was remembering something. "Did she have light gray hair, cat ears and a tail?"
I don't exactly know why she looked like a cat, but she has since we were little.
"Yea, have you seen her?"
She hops up, her face brightening saying "yes!..." She trails off, and her bright face started turning dull. "But she might be in trouble. As I was running away from the guard men, I saw her get attacked by one."
"WHAT?!" I shout, and I guess I looked concerned because immediately after that she added "but don't worry! I think someone saved her!... Maybe." It gave me a little reassure-wait did she just say maybe?
"Anyways," she grabs a Torch from her backpack. "I can lead you to her, if you let me stay with you guys for a little." The word hit me like a bullet.
There was NO way I was letting some rabbit lady stay at our base at this time.
For all I know she could be a spy working for Apocalypse. I didn't want to take that chance, but without her help I might never find her. "And how do I know you don't work for apocalypse?" She stared at me like I was stupid. "I make RARE potions, thank you very much. If I was working for THEM, I highly doubt I wouldn't have a single guard with me, and be chased through the forest at NIGHT by a lower class." She was right. I highly doubt that as well. "Fine, but only IF you manage to find her." She jumped with joy, well at least I think it was joy. She was smiling and tilted her head looking at me, so I guess it was. "Yay! But it's too dark for now, we should rest and search in the morning."


                   ~Kyra's Pov~

Ugh, it feels like I've been walking forever. It was starting to get to nighttime, but I had a type of night vision, so I could see. My eyes are a light shade of pink with light gray around them, and the gray is what gives me night vision. Well, that and the fact Caden was just using a potion wrong, and now I can't get it off me.
I decided to just Start a fire, since it was nearing fall and it started getting colder by the minute. "Where's firewood when you need it?" I look around for some type of clearing of trees. I found one, but it was some time away. "Great, more walking."

At this point I was exhausted, but Finally made it. I set my bow down next to a tree, and Leto t sit while I set up camp.
As I was getting firewood I started hearing... Noises? There was no way, I could have sworn I was alone. Well, with all these bandits and raiders I wouldn't doubt I wasn't alone either. I stop and let my ears listen. This is where cat ears come in handy, because I started hearing breathing. I couldn't tell from where, but it was definitely there. I swiftly gran my bow and load it. "Who's there?" I demanded to know the question, but nobody moved. I listened one more time for the breathing, being fast and short. I aim my bow next to a tree and fired. I could hear a stir near the tree, telling me he was there. "Show yourself, or next time it won't miss." I could hear a sudden laugh, who does he think he is?

A somewhat tall cloaked figure appears from behind the tree. I ready my bow in case he decides to try anything.
"Excuse me, I didn't know I was intruding someone." He stood there, waiting for what I guess was a response.
His scent was familiar, where did I see him?
That's when I see him holding a diamond sword in his hand.

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