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~Tatum's Pov~
I'm looking towards Kyro, who is completely stunned. She looked like she just got hit with the most disturbing news of the century. I'm not sure if she's even still breathing..

She managed to mumble a few words out of her breath, except not-understandable.

"Oh! This is gold!" She told her friend to come watch me, as she made her way over towards kyro, who was sill paralyzed.

Snap out of it kyro! I thought as I slowly moved up the tree more.

"Surprise! I'm not dead! In fact.. I'm better then ever. See this emblem? It guarantees a perfect society! One which we rule, and listen to no one! Apocalypse WILL be victorious. Hm.."

She makes a fake pout with her lips.

"Too bad you won't be alive to see it!"
As she did, she threw another 3 black Shurkens under Kyro's feet.

Before they exploded, she managed to snap out of her trance and move.

Before I could react, the boy used one of his Quick Attack moves and slashed my cheek.

His speed is incredible..

Just as he did, kyro aimed her bow and used Ice Shard towards his weapon. Luckily, she was fast enough when he was off guard to freeze his sword.

"You little brats!" The girl screamed with rage, loading another Shurkin.

I tripped, and fall to the ground. I look up to see the shadow laughing like a maniac, about to throw a blue Shurkin when everything froze..

~Kyro's Pov~
"Don't be alarmed, please, follow me."

Everything was a blur.. All I remember is a bright light, both soft pink and white, shinning from the ground before either of us could move.

A hand grabbed mine, lightly, leading me into what looked like a forest.

I looked over to see Tatum passed out, being carried by a girl-.. No, a guy. With a blue hoodie and brown hair that fell over one of his eyes.

"Just a little further, you can make it."

The hand continued to guid me into a vast open area of green grass, and the brightest set of flowers I've ever seen.

Oh no..We're so dead. They killed us..

A few more moments later, she lead me into a soft floor. We are in a cave now. My eye sight started to come back to me, and I could see quite clearly after being given a dark-blue potion.

"Are you ok?" The soft voice asked.

It looked like a girl with, also light brown hair, longer and a little darker then the boys.

Annd stuttering starts.

The girl smiles bright, setting tea down in front of me.

What the hell.. Isn't this a game of death? And they're here having tea?

My mouth couldn't speak, but my mind was screaming questions inside my head..

"it's a good thing we came in time, otherwise you would have been a..shadow of our memories!" The boy looked towards me, smiling.

"Anthony, I already told you.. Your puns are bad, you really need to stop trying.." The girl gave a disappointing shake with her head.

So his names Anthony..

"Pft, whatever, you're just jealous cause' my puns are Da' best!"

"Uh.. No, your puns are "Da' Bad..
Anyways, my name is Carlie."

"Heh, mine is Anthony!"

He sticks his hand out towards me, close enough to poke my nose.. Which, he does..

"I'm.. Kyro.."
I slowly shake hands with him.

"Why did you guys save us?"

They both look at eachother and back towards me.

"You'll know in time."
   ~Jackson's Pov~
I watch the screen in market square, while Nic and Caden are having pointless competitions.

She attacked, right on time.
Gasps could be heard from the audience, summoning Caden and Nic's eyes to the screen.

Once the smoke cleared out of the arena, I could see Carlie in the right hand corner. She set her position up in the tree, and readied her Flash Heal. It creates an extremely bright light, but.. Still heals the people it hits. Slowly, but surely.

"3..2..1.." I start to count down the time until the flash should hit, while Carlie and Anthony save Tatum and Kyro.
Caden looked horrified.. The response I was expecting, of course. Nic put his hoodie up, so I couldn't see his expression. Only very slightly could you hear his short, heavy breathing.

I give a slight smile, after the smoke cleared out. You could see Lilli was pissed.. She began to yell at the boy, who yelled right back. The crowd was murmuring so much, after the excitement in Gp, you couldn't hear what they were yelling at. I looked closer, and made out the last sentence she said..

"Nous les verrons à nouveau .. et la prochaine fois , nous ne serons pas hésiter."

French. "Don't worry Lilli, we'll we waiting." After quietly saying under my breath.
"Caden, Nic, come on. We have work to do."

Yay! I'm not lazzzyyyy! Mehhhhh but I want to post this so I'm not gonna make an authors note.. Hmmm... Maybe I should be every author ever..



*Cake Escape*

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