The Story Of One

22 1 4

Just a heads up, there might be a little (or.. a lot..) of typos. So sorry! Enjoy <3


??? Pov~


"UGH." She slammed her sword down on the table.

"Why did we wait so long?? We HAD Them. That could have been another person off our list!"

That, was Mila..

She's been in the Apocalypse faction since she was a child, 17 years..

Her father is the owner of the entire faction. Basically, she's treated like a pampered princess in her own kingdom..

For awhile now, people still think we go into the game voluntarily.

Obviously, we don't. In fact, we aren't supposed to be in there..

Every year we manage to sneak our way into the fields. We don't go in there for the items; we go in there for the blood. Some of the people in this faction joined because of their skill of art in combat, and others were practically forced to join it...Like me.

In elementary, I used to be friends with Mila.

She was practically my best friend. That is, of course, until she turned dark.

When we became teenagers, she started realizing what her "potential" (stated by her dad) could be.

I didn't want to join this stupid faction..Quite honestly, I didn't even want to stay in this faction. I'm only doing this for my little brother..

They threatened to make him an outcast. If that didn't work, I'm guessing they would just..take his life away..

I didn't really have a choice in the matter. It seems like they always use family as someones weakness...

I'm just waiting for someone to come along who doesn't have family to worry about. It would

be nice to see someone with a free soul..

In the perspective of the players..I don't think we're the only ones not supposed to be there.

Three boys disappeared from the Jungles view, leaving us with only the view of a small blue object..before all the power went out.

The one who wields the bow, the one who uses potions to her advantage..

The tech freak, silent one or overly worried one. They intrigue me..who are these players?

As Mila walks through the door, I spin my knife in my hand. It was my favorite out of most. Probably because it got me my first kill on someone, even if I didn't mean to.

I abruptly stopped the knife in my hand and looked at her.

"Stop complaining. You took the time to wait. Haven't you ever heard to not play with your food?" I had a expression of not-caring and the "get-away-from-me" kind of look.

"Oh darling, thats really cute."

She swiftly moved her sword from the table to my throat.

"But I'm going to have blood on this sword, whether It's from you, or her."

What a stupid girl..

I quickly grabbed the handle of the sword, twisting it along with her arm. A shriek of pain could be heard, along with the cracking of bones from her.

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