Meeting the Other side

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           ~Kyro's Pov~
          "Class A:B, you're requested in Section 7."
They were needed in section 7, whoever they were.. It was blasted through the ppspeakers making me have a headache.
"What? It's not that loud."
I must have been running my head through my hair. I usually only do that when I'm nervous, thinking or have a headache. Cat instincts make it feel amazing running through my hair, that's one of the ups.

"Hey, look." Nic pointed to some kids running around in the market. It looked like 2 girls and 1 guy. The girls hugged each other tightly, and the boy was smiling and panting. They looked dirty.. Like they had been running in mud or something. What are kids doing here anyway? I don't see any parents near them.. Maybe they're orphans. They usually run around here anyway, but they aren't visible by normal people usually. They move swiftly and hide easily... You'd have to have to use your other senses besides your eye site, unless they're stopped in the middle of a town square..

"Ok, well while you adore kids I'm gonna ask someone where the heck we are."
I walk up to someone... Hey! It's that dude from earlier!
"Hey!" I yell to him. He almost drops his book, looks over to me, and smiles.
"Hey yourself. Fancy seeing you here again."
I could have sworn I saw his glasses shimmer a bit.
"I thought you and.. Nic, was it?"
I nod my head yes.
"Ah, well I thought you and Nic were already out by now."
I think he was reading an old book of Generated Pvp actually.. Ok then, I mean I guess we are in the place.
"Actually that's a thing, we can't find the exit-" before I could finish my sentence I turn my head to see Nic's hood off and his sword up to someone's throat. His eyes were red and he looked furious... could he be-

"I suggest you shut up now before you're on the ground crying for your mommy."
I feel myself stiffen, and before I know it I'm holding Nic's sword and holding the other guy back.
I guess he was surprised to.. He gave me a pissed off look and shock.
"Restraint please, Nici."

"He backed up a bit and muttered something.. I think he said "whatever."
I turn to the guy and his expression was shocked... It was Caden and-

"Ohhhh YOU must be Kyro!... Wait.." She touches her ears. "Bunny..."
Then she.. Touches mine?
There was a 5 sec pause before she immediately ran up and hugged me tight.

"Oops! Sorry!"
I laugh a little and look over at Caden... Uh oh..

He looks at me like he wanted to murder me.. That's not a good thing is it..
Well I thought he did at least, until he suddenly ran over and hugged me.
"If you EVER leave like that again I will KILL you."
I smile, it's good to see him again. I'm not gonna lie, when he hears about the adventure I've had so far-well, sortuv anyways.. He's SO gonna trust me!
"No you won't." I say.
"Fine.. Then I'll take away all your cake."
I hear Tatum and Nic laughing again..

Well, I'm happy I found them.
    ~Caden's Pov~
I can't believe we actually found Kyro.. And whoever this jerk face is.. Yeah yeah I sound like a 5 year old right now. I just asked him if he had seen Kyro and why he looked so grouchy.. Next thing I know his sword is to my throat and my weapon is on the ground!!
Speaking of which, after I hug Kyro I pick it back up.
It's made of crystal.. Everyone usually has their own essence, and mine is crystal. Kyro's was Amathyst Star. It sounds Wierd.. But it's as bright and looks like a star, except pink.. She keeps it in her necklace.

"Look, I don't feel to well being in here.. I really want to leave soo-"
Before I could say anything else some guards came over.. uh oh..

before Nic and I could react we found ourselves being held back.
It looked like Jackson tried helping, but quickly vanished before they could reach them..great help dude...
They were walking away, and the last thing I saw was Kyro and Tatum.

They... Took them to the dome..

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