||Night's Whispers 1.5||

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           ~Kyro POV~
I felt wierd walking through the woods,
as if someone were watching us...

My head stared at the floor as we walked along the shadowed pathway.

"Sooo Ky, I never asked.. where were you from? You know about my childhood, but what about yours?"

I look next to me, seeing an enthusiastic yet curious face plastered across Tatum.

I ask her.

"There's no reason to get into details. I've been with Caden my entire life, and I used to have a sister.."

Tatum stopped me mid sentence.
"Used to..?"

"Yeah," I continued, "Until she died in a fire that was set in my town.. her shadow stayed behind. That's who you saw a few days ago. I guess apocalypses got to her before I could..."

The sun began to set. We've been walking for hours now, but we're almost there.

Jax stops a few feet in front of us. "Maybe would should rest here tonight, we're getting closer to the exit. The Glitch will be able to open it for us."

"Ohhhh! I wanna sleep in the trees!" Anthony exclaims excitingly.
"Ant, Wait for me!!"

On the trip, Carly switched into her pixie form.
"Goodnight, see you all in the morning!" She says, flying into ye darkened trees with Anthony.

Tatum grabbed me by the arm. "We'll sleep over here, you guys can sleep right here. Goodnight!"

She dragged me over the bushes, into a small opened area surrounded by the trees.

"Are you ready for beddy time?" She asked.

"I guess so.." I answered, grabbing the bow off my back and lie on the ground.

She lied down close to me, gently falling asleep.

I stare up at the stars, drifting off into slumber.

~A few hours later~

I immediately dash upwards and examine my surroundings.

My eyes scanned the area around me. I heard something near us.

Tatum must have heard it too, she asked me what it was..

Suddenly, a blackened figure falls from the trees landing on his feet. He had a deep laugh.

I immediately grab my bow and aim for his head.
"STATE YOUR NAME." I scream at him.

All I hear was another deep laugh, and a scream from Tatum.. she was darted with something?

She falls to the floor, unconscious.

"Shhh.." he whispers in my ear.
I turn around, expecting to see him.

Like a shadow, he just keeps disappearing..


He gives me a chuckle.
"Relax doll face, you can call me Terminal. You can't see me, but I've been examining you guys this entire time..and I know all of your weaknesses."

I could feel my heart beat faster. Before I could respond, I felt a dart to my arm.

"Agh!" I scream, my bow dropping to the floor and my knees do as well.

I slowly walks in front of me and lifts my face up to meet his gaze, my numb arm being held by my good arm.

"Your little rebellious acts against Apocalypse won't go unnoticed.. but don't worry, I'm not here to kill you.. yet. This is entertaining for me, and I just might want to see the rest~"

I give him a cold glare. I feel my body blacking out..

"Sweet Dreams~"
He whispered, as I fell into darkness..

Only half of this chapter!
The next half will be updated soon <3


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