//Generated Pvp\\

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                ~Kyro's Pov~
I take my bow and decide to go fishing. It looked like the sun was just rising, so I know I didn't sleep in.
I don't know where Nicolas is, I'm pretty sure I woke up earlier then him. I honestly don't know why he's following me around, I'm just trying to get home. The only problem ahead I see is the land, and Generated Pvp.
It's a dome players can fight in. 1 v 1s, 2v 2s, and sometimes uneven battles, if the players are a high enough level.
I've send someone. Fight a 4v1 and win. He was fast, stealthy, and seemed to know all their moves before they even made them. He could comprehend what happened, even though he couldn't read minds or anything like that. Some people here know how to use witchcraft, which is helpful in their circumstances.
They can protect their homes better, supply their own food, etc. I've even seen some in Gp (Generated Pvp), but they couldn't use their magics. It's prohibited in the dome, for unfair reasons. I use some witchcraft to sometimes, but for now I just focus on circle magic. It's much easier to handle then the other parts of witchcraft, aside from getting the supplies itself. Anyway, Gp has been around since I can remember. I don't know the reason exactly why it was created, because if you win the battle you get a very small award like bread or something. The performance you put on depends on what you get. For example, if you put on a performance thats very high and has well quality, you could possibly get a diamond. They rate you on a scale of 1-20, and I don't remember anybody getting a 20. Well, there was one warrior. He ended up being the one to protect others, care for them, and make them feel less.. Well, make them feel more secure. Times were harder back then then they are now. It honestly hasn't improved much, but at least we have a greater chance to survive.

"So let me get this straight, you're a cat person thing?" He stretches and sits by the lake near me.
"I'm a Kirikat, we're half human half cat. I don't know when we started, but I don't ever remember being born like this. I technically have no proof of my childhood."
"Is that so?" He splashes water on his face and I roll my eyes. Nobody ever trusts someone instantly enough to sleep near them, without having the fear of dying in their sleep. I don't understand how he did anyways. I would have left sometime during the night, just to be safe. Through the night I would pretend to sleep, and keep my bow my side the entire time. Except, I didn't do that this time. I put myself in far more danger then I planned, geeze.. Sometimes I don't think these things through.

"You zone out a lot, don't you?" He gives me a blank stare and I snap out of my thoughts.
"Only when I do not want to speak, but there are some people who can't take a hint." I hopped off the Rock and went back to the campsite. It was close anyways, so I hear him talking on the way.
"Look, I just wanted your help. Last night wasn't the only time I've seen you, or Caden."
I stop in my tracks. How did he know about Caden? Does he know about anyone else?
"What about Lilli, did you ever find her?"
He did.
"Who the hell do you think you are? Have you been stalking us??"
"Stalking, studying.. 2 different things. I was trying to get you alone, cause Caden would have tried striking me down the moment he saw me. I think we both know that."
I quickly grab my bow, but realize all my arrows were missing. I look over to see him waving them in the air.
"Just like you're trying to do now. Listen, I just wanted your help. Hear me out, please?"
I consider it for a moment then finally Agee. I couldn't do anything anyways, considering my swords was at home and he has my arrows. I was basically a sitting duck.
"You have 5 min."


      ~Caden's Pov~
"It feels like we've been waking for hoooours lets have a snack break!" Tatum asks hoping I would say yes.
"It's only been 5 min, and 2 min ago you just pulled out an apple."
"Uuuuugh, walking is booooriiing!" She pouts hoping I would give in.
"Keep walking or I'll leave you behind."
"Ah ah ah! You made a promise."
"A promise that I'll be willing you break." I snap and hold my sword to her neck. I then sigh and drop it.
"Look, I don't have time to just be wondering-"
Right then she throws a potion on me.
"It's supposed to make you relaxed in 3...2...1..."
I suddenly feel like 10x the amount of stress I had disappeared. I didn't like this feeling, I felt vulnerable.
"Woah.. Ok.. Change me back, please."
Did I just say please?

"Nope! It should wear off Ina few hours anyways. I had limited supplies, seeing as I only have what's in my backpack.." She looks at her backpack then keeps walking.
"Where DID you come from anyways?"
She looks up. "Wellll it's a long story."
"We've got time to kill." I say and she begins. "Well.. Ok."

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