Chapter 5

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Today was the day for my mother's funeral.

It had been a day ago, when I found out about my mother's death. Honestly, I'm still devastated.

Otuo-san... Hokage-sama, and a silver haired boy, attended Kaa-san's funeral. Everyone in the village didn't want to come. Saying that Kaa-san is a m-monster. But I swear, they will pay.

Karma will get them.

* * *
My head rested on the edge of Kaa-san's coffin. Taking a peek at Kaa-san for the last time. I couldn't help it. I cried at the sight of Kaa-san's peaceful figure.


I didn't bother to look up at the person who had just called my name. I'm not planning on taking my eyes off of Kaa-san.

"Sakura," he repeated.


"Let's become friends, Sakura."


Turning around, I came face to face with a slightly large hand. Tracing to where the arm belonged to. I see one eye staring back at me.

"My names... Hatake Kakashi." Kakashi said almost in a whispearing tone.

Pretending not to have noticed his weird mask covering half of his face. I took his hand, then gently shake it.

"Haruno Sakura."

Behind Kakashi, I saw Hokage-sama and Tou-chan speaking with eachother. But it didn't conceren me, so I looked the other way.

Retrieving back my arm, I wipe away the rest of my wet tears, that hadn't dried up.

"Sakura, I understand your pain." Kakashi ruffles my hair. "So remember... it will go away."

I push his hand away.

"Your wrong, Kakashi. It won't go away." I corrected him.


"Now that I feel pain, and see it. I know pain." newly formed tears were on the brink of falling. "And now that I learned to acknowledge pain,"

"I'm now friends with it!"


The pounding in my chest, the pain in my heart. The spinning in my head. Wet tears rolling down my faceーI couldn't stop crying.

"...Someone... hell.."

Instantly my uncontrollable sobbing stops. But my tears kept flowing. And I wait for the voice to speak again.



'Someone's hurt?'

Propping myself up, I close my eyes and listen. Waiting for the voice to speak again. Of course, my uncontrollable sobbing, left behind uncontrollable hiccups.

"...Help... I need.. help..someone..."

Immediately after it spoke, I sprinted twoards to the direction I heard the voice come from.

"Please! Stay where you are! I'm coming!" I said. To at least reassure the faint voice.

"Over, here..." a girl with black hair layed on the floor behind a large forest tree of konoha.

I gasped at the state she was in.

Blood oozed out of her cuts, and stab wounds. Bruises apear to be everwhere in her body.

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