Chapter 19

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A four year old pinkette ran out of her house, running full speed ahead. Racing against time. "Tou-chan! Thanks so much for the yummy breakfast! Love you!" Sakura yelled very happily. "Bye bye!" Sakura hurriedly made her way towards the ninja acedemy. A bright smile shined on her face, as she was ready to face new challenges in store for her.

". . . . . ."


Kizashi couldn't answer back. Even if he wanted to.

Though out the many years without his voice, he never could've gotten used the fact that he'll never talk. Not to his daughter or his friends, anyone! But regardless of how he lives mute. He was glad to be able to watch his one and only child grow. Blossoming into the person she wanted to become.

Just like her mother.

The thought alone made him simply smile at the small figure running in her own path. Slowly disappearing into the far distance....

After loosing sight of his flower, Kizashi closed the front door with ease. Secretly, he pulled out a picture of his deseased wife from his pocket.

He traced her feminine figure with his fingers. Gently caressing the photo he will forever carry with him. Then, with a sigh of increasing age. He placed the picture in his pocket again. And went on, yet another day, without her. He missed her so much. He was now beginning to see his wife in his daughter.

It made him proud.


Iruka sternly clapped his hands for everyone to hear.

"Okay everyone, free time!" As expected, his whole class flowed out of the room in a full happy rampage.

Sakura however, stayed in her seat. Already reading chapter thirteen: Awareness of a ninja.

Iruka dared not to speak to Sakura. Knowing he'll just waste his time with the cruel Juubi that killed millions.. Who's only goal was to kill for the lust of blood... Yes, that's how he was told. Brutal, murderous, barbarous, gory. People who survived the catastrophic event would always curse at the bloodshed using the same words.

Just the thought of having that in his class. He resented it. "Tch." Iruka rolled his eyes. His heavy footsteps left the classroom, immediately.

Given the opportunity to have her peace and quiet. Sakura pulled out her metal lunch box. Which carried an ice pack that kept her sandwich cool, and her sippy cup of milk cold. Just the way she liked it.


As she peacefully drank her milk. Sakura hadn't detected the ocean blue eyes that observed her every move.

The eyes that observed her, took in each detail that perfectly described Sakura's sweet figure.. He knew each time his eyes passed her, or even looked at her. He would always feel a familiar intense affection towards the pinkette.

He loves her, and he knew it. But he was too shy to even tell her.

From the very moment he laid eyes on her he knew it was love at first sight. Their first encounter was indeed a weird one, but nonetheless he was happy to have met her inside Konoha's hospital. Her green eyes.. he loved every inch of her. From the inside out.

Especially her forehead.

Out of the blue, Sakura's deep emerald eyes flickered at his direction. Naruto then hid himself, away from Sakura's sharp eyes.

Did she see me? The blonde blushed deeply, eyes began to build up water. Shit! I messed up big time!

"There he is! Uzumaki Naruto!" Down the far side of the hall 'classmates' bolted their way towards the a tomatoe colored blonde.

"Get him!"

Naruto took the chance to run away from the embarrassment he put upon himself. Sakura on the other side, watched the blonde run away. Her eyes followed his running figure through the doorway.

"She did see me. Shit!" He cursed himself under his breath while running away from his very angry classmates.

"Come back here, Naruto!"

"Yeah! We are getting you back for pulling a prank on us!"

Naruto's lips spit out a chuckle, then a cackle which immediately turned into a full blown laughter. He intentionally laughed his problems away. "That's right! I'm the number one prankster in Konoha!" Naruto loved the attention they gave him. For once, he didn't mind the negative words coming out of their mouths. All that mattered to him was that they noticed his presence. Even if it wasn't going to last long enough. He smiled.

"Bastards! Catch me if you can!"

~ * * ~

From inside a crystal ball, the reflections of both Konoha's jinchuurikis came in view for the Fourth Hokage. He silently watched how the two hadn't made uttered a word to eachother. It made him become suspicious.

He breathed in a March air and let it all out with an uneasy sigh. He wondered why Sakura and Naruto were acting like this. Hiruzen was positive that the duo treated and cared for one another as siblings, but now this?

Ever since they've been found in a near death state they've acted like strangers...As if they haven't ever met eachother.

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