Chapter 12

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Months had past since the incident had taken place. Naruto had already atended the academy, but he was always alone一judged by his classmates and teachers. It did hurt at times, but he still held strong for both Sakura and Haku.

Only time could tell for them to regain conscious.

> > > >

Naruto didn't know what had happened before he left.

He was running back to help them out一protect them. But he was stopped by ANBUS. And was forcefully escorted to the Hokage's side. Leaving Kizashi to deal with the problem, alone.

'Those damm ANBUS!' he internally cursed. 'Damm them! Damm them all!'

"Naruto . ."

If it weren't for ANBUS, he could've at least prevented Sakura and Haku from being hospitalized!

Iruka eyed Naruto's shaking hand. Becoming sicpious with his sudden shakiness, he called out to his student once more. "Naruto. ."

Naruto was so lost in his rage of thoughts, he hadn't noticed that he was clenching his fists too tight. That the pencil almost broke in half.

"Naruto," Iruka spoke again. Pulling Naruto out of his thoughts.

"Yes," Naruto answered. Unaware what he had been doing.

They both stare directly into each other's eyes. But it only reminded Iruka the death of his parents. "Watch what your doing with that pencil, you almost broke it." He then gave Naruto a glare. "Under一"

"Tch," Naruto either way broke the pencil in half. "You don't tell me what to do. Not until you show me your not like the rest."

He hated that look in his teacher's eyes. It was exactly like how the others starred at him. They all hated him.


* * * *

After ditching Iruka's after school detention class. Naruto walked down a path that led to where he would always go to after finishing school;

The tree.

Sakura had told him it's where she and Haku first met . . . And it's the same place he, was first introduced to Haku as well. Naruto remembered it like if it was just yesterday.

He sighed.

"I really miss you guys." He whispered. And kicked a rock to the side. "Ugh, I know this is a lot to ask but, wake up一"

Naruto then heard a loud yell. "Help!"

Turning his head, he saw a big bully about to punch a girl. While another boy held the victim in a head lock. Helping the bully.

Without wasting another second, Naruto shouted. And ran up to them.

"I hate your clan! All of you think your superior than everyone! Damm you!"

The bullies fist was caught before it reached the girl's face. Turning his head, the overweight bully met face to face with Naruto.

"Pick on someone your own size!" Naruto then threw his fist at the big bully's nose; breaking it.

"You-You hit me!" The big bully studdered. Bewildered by Naruto's sudden action. "Mishi! Let's get out of here! That demon just一"

Naruto viciously punched him in the stomach. After hearing 'that word'. "Here's another one for calling me that! AND I'M NOT A DEMON!"

Naruto's angry eyes made eye contact with the bully's friend. Causing the follower to simply drop the girl, and run away.

The overweight bully also saw this. And forced himself to stand up. "Wait for me Mishi!" And ran away.

Naruto then huffed in victory. "That's right, losers. Run away, cowards."

Adverting his eyes right back at the Hyuga girl. Naruto then distinctly remembered the same scene before him.

Instead of Hinata being on her fours, she was replaced with the past of himself. Replaying a flash back on how he was on the verge of giving up on kiba's challenge.

But Sakura helped him up. And said the words that he will always remember.

"You stood up! Of course with my help. But next time, I know you can do it by yourself. Your strong, Naruto."

He kindly held Hinata's tiny hands, and slowly helped her up onto her feet.

"Ya know, a really good friend of mine told me to always help a friend to stand up." Naruto awkwardly smiled.

"I didn't quite get what she really meant at that time, but now I do." He then chuckled. "And it was all because of you. Heheh."

Hinata blushed in embarrassment. Was he complementing her? She didn't think so. But the back of her head told her other wise.

"Oh Kami!" Hinata jumped away, blushing more in utter embarrassment. "I'm so sorry I cried in front of you. Forgive me. My name is Hyuga Hinata." She bowed over and over again, apologizing.

"Nah, it's okay to cry. We're all humans一all humans cry. And my names Uzumaki Naruto! Datteyabo!"

Out the blue, Iruka appeared. "UZUMAKI!" He calked out. "NARUTO!"

Too infuriated to care what he was doing at the momment, he took hold of Naruto's collar and dragged him back to school. "Your in so much trouble for ditching DETENTION!"

"Aw! Come on!" Naruto face palmed. "I totally forgot I was ditching your boring ass class! Dammit!"

Hinata was then, left by herself in the middle of the road. With the memmories of the blonde lingering in her mind. Her cheeks burned furiously, but she shook it off as a fever. Then she noticed her hear beat had been beating furiously out of her chest.

What is foregin feeling?


I know I'm very late. But for those of you who didn't know. I'm on the verge of failing one of my classes. So I might not update for a long time. Not until I see improvement.

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