Chapter 20

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"Hurry Naruto. You're almost to hundred."

"Ah man! Iruka-sensei why do this to me? Aren't I your favorite student?"

Ignoring Naruto's chatting Iruka cleared his throat. "You are not leaving until you wrote a hundred sentences. This is your punishment for showing your finger to Sasuke."

"What? Why! He should be punished for telling me that I was--"

"Chop-chop Naruto." Taunted Iruka. Turning his head, the teacher snickered in secrecy. Indeed Naruto has a place in his heart. Just a few months ago he had came to realize of who Naruto was, instead of what he is. And maybe, if he lived long enough Iruka would be able to see where has Naruto ended up to.

One things for sure . . . Iruka fully believes in Konoha's number one knucklehead ninja--Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto.

In the nick of time, a small blonde finished his punishment. As his new teacher walked inside. "Done! Dattebayo!"

Iruka praised Naruto then spoke to a familiar white haired friend. "Kakashi . . seems like your late as ever. Humph, I'm not even surprised." The male sighed. "Whats your excuse this time?"

"Sorry I'm late... someone told me to go to hell. Couldn't find it at first, but now I'm here."

Sakura sweat dropped, "Kakashi, really?"

* * *

Stationed at the edge of Konoha's forest. There sat a young man with his three newbie students.

"Tell me a little bit about yourselves. Your likes, dislikes, dreams, hobbies, all of that." Kakashi lazily pointed straight towards a blonde goofball. "You're first." He said.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Naruto pointed back, whining in distress. "Since your going to be our teacher why don't YOU go first?"

"Kakashi, he's right." Sakura said. Keeping her facial expression neatly blank.

Her presence itself caused a blonde teammate to blush furiously.

It was no secret that Naruto had a thing for Sakura. The whole village knew, possibly the whole world! 'Ino's big mouth... after I become Hokage I'll make sure she'll pay!' Naruto resented Ino.

Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"I guess you have a point." Kakashi sighed. "My name is Hatake Kakashi. I don't necessarily have a dream or dislikes. But I do enjoy reading, and taking care of a cute little girl. Heheh."

Sakura face palmed herself.

Ignoring the fact that his Sensei sounded like an old pervert the fourth hokage's son exclaimed. "Ha! My turn! The names Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto!" With pride Naruto pointed at himself. "I like ramen! It's so good! Hmmm! Now I'm hungry. But anyways, I like ramen, my family, and....." Slowly the jinchurriki went quiet. Secretly making eye contact with Sakura. "A girl. BUT ANYWAYS, my dream is to become Hokage just like Outo-san! Dattebayo!"

Sakura's ears started to ring from how loud Naruto spoke his words. "Hey, could you talk a little more, quiet? My ears are starting to hurt."

Instantly the colors were drained from Naruto, all that was left was his poker face. Had his first impression gone down the drain? Playing it off smoothly Naruto grabbed his elbow. "Okay.. Sakura-chan.. sorry."

"Sakura, you're next."

Sakura cleared her throat, ready to begin. "My name is Haruno Sakura. My likes are reading, and learning new things. Dislikes... when people talk too loud." Naruto sulked as Sakura continued. "My dreams are to find a certain group, and make them pay." A sinister look came visible in the pinkette's eyes. But she completely played it off cool.

"My last dream is hope that one day, Mr. Kakashi here, will stop reading his一"

"OKAY. Sakura-..chan, thank you very much. Uchiha, it's your turn." Kakashi urged Sasuke to speak.

Sasuke in return made a remark. "..Humph..."

As the Uchiha began to talk, Kakashi's visible eye lingered to the ground. He specifically remembered every word that came out of Sakura. "My dreams are to find a certain group, and make them pay." Kakashi shook his head in sympathy. He knew the reasons behind Sakura's ambitions. He was there when it all took place. Loosing her father wasn't easy for her to go though, especially when she had already lost her mother before hand.

"And kill a certain someone . ." Sasuke concluded, his face still blank of any visible emotion.

Kakashi spoke out. "Okay, now that we know about one another. Let's get to the point." The white haired man stood up, tall as a tree. "There are two bells. You will not pass if you don't acquire at least one bell, in two hours. You'll have to find them, before the other person does. The bells are hidden around the outskirts of the village. When you have found one meet me back here, understand?"

"Uhhhhh," Naruto's forehead crinkled in confusion. "Why were there two bells if there's four students?"

"Three." Sakura corrected.

Kakashi responded, half heatedly. "Well, you see. This year we have too many newbie ninjas, and we only want a few. So to speak with kind words, we only want the strongest to go forward, and the meek to go backwards. Possibly retake another four years at the ninja academy." The Copy Ninja analyzed everyone's reactions. Just as expected, their eyes revealed horror. Even if Sasuke tried to mask his true feelings, Kakashi still saw through him like clean glass.

"So when do we start?" Sasuke questioned his instructor.

"We'll start in a couple of years or so." Sarcasm was obvious in Kakashi's voice. "Any questions, before we get started?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto raised his hand then spoke. "We start now? I thought you said, 'in a couple of years or so'."

Sasuke rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Yes, we start right now, idiot."

"BLEAH!" In return, Naruto stuck out his tounge right back at Sasuke's rude comment.

Without another second to waste, the instructor proofed away. "You may start." Leaving behind three newbie ninjas without a sense of direction. There was an awkward silence between the three newbie ninjas. No one knew each other other than their dreams, hobbies, likes and dislikes.

As Sasuke and Sakura made a sharp eye contact, the Uchiha then proceeded to take his leave trying to stay away from the duo of unnatural haired colored freaks.

Naruto blurted out, "Hey! Where are you going?"

"Don't get of my way. You will only bring me down... both of you."


"Naruto, shut it. Listen to your superiors, and I'm not repeating myself again: don't get in my way."

Sakura angrily glared at Sasuke. "No one will bring you down, Sasuke. Though, I do advise you to remember one thing. You have no right to talk to Naruto like that. So don't worry about him bringing you down. Since you've always been the one below me." Sakura said pointing at herself.

Sasuke brushes off Sakura's words from his internal mind. Still walking away from his so called teammates. "We'll see who finds the bells first, then you can talk." Disappearing into the shadows, Sasuke was nowhere in sight.

"S-Sakura-chan." Naruto gulped. "Want to, uh..." After taking a blink, Naruto's love also disappeared. He sighed and went to look for the bells himself. "Aw man.. I missed a chance with Sakura-chan!"

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