Chapter 8

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From what I made out of this thick mist; I watched as two dark shadow figures fighting off one another.

Then it all stopped.

When the small figure, connected with the jounin's. As if it were pionting right at his abdomen.

"Your right . . . I am Zabuza's missing apprentice." Haku's voice ranged in my ears. "But please, do tell, about Zabuza's whereabouts. I need to know were my master is..."

The mist was slowly disappearing. Alloing me to see what was happening.

"After all, I'm a lost puppy, in need for it's master's guidance."

"Haku!" I prop myself up. Happy to know that Haku was okay.


The man drops himself to the ground.

Was he admitting defeat? Haku beat him?!

Through the arising mist, both Haku and I met eachother's gaze. He opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped himself. And pointed.

"Sakura! Behind you! His clone!"

Turning back to see what was behind me. The same man, winked at me, then dispersed in clouds. Before I have time to react, countless of shiruken came spinning towards me. In seconds, Haku jumped in between. Then repealed them all with a bloody kunai in hand.


When I noticed the bloody stained kunai. Many thoughts came tumbling down on me. Perhaps he must of injured himself. So I began to worry.

"Are you okay? Let me heal you."

"Sakura . ." he ignored my question. Then kneels down to my level.

"Are you okay?"

We both meet eachother's gaze once more. Like before, and all of the times after that; I'm slowly pulled into the small trance. But I break the trance, after gaining back my conscious.

I nod. "Hai."

Haku pulls me into a hug. "Thank goodness," burying his head deep in between my shoulders, he lets out a deep sigh. "I . . . I think I might reconsider about training you."

Third person-

Sakura pulls away. "Huh? Really!?" her jade eyes beemed with happiness.

"Yes, really." Haku assured her. "Well, that's if you want to."

Sakura turned her back onto Haku. Then threw 'happy' punches into the air. While squealing in excitement.

"Yata!" she fist bumps the air.

"So...." Haku trails off, waiting for Sakura to pick up the clue.

Sakura whips her body around, showing a big happy grin plastered onto her face. "Hai!"

Haku silently nods. And walks down the tree using chakra, while doing so. The happy pinkette skips down the tree, trailing behind.

Sakura's jade eyes noticed the man not even moving, or making an attempt to run away. It was defiantly something that sparked Sakura's curiosity.

"Wait... Haku, why is this man sleeping, right after you defeated him? Isn't he..... knocked out?" Sakura trailed off as she walked towards the dead man. Eyeing anything suspicious about him.

Haku noticed her walking towards the dead body of the sound ninja. So he quickly caught up with her.

He didn't want to show or tell a four year old, that he killed someone. Which was another reason why, he put up the mist. He just couldn't let Sakura see what he really had done.

Unravel [Strong/Jinchuuriki Sakura Haruno]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora