Chapter 10

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Picture: Remember the little dream Naruto had when first seeing Sakura?


Sakura- [Six months later]

"A mission!?"

"Yes, and I think your ready. But just remember, this is a one time thing only." Haku-san holds up one finger, showing me the times I'm going to do this. But I didn't care, I've been waiting for this moment!

"YATA!" I cheer in joy.


"Be on the lookout for kids in need. Find criminals, and put them in justice. No killing. Save the innocent."



Yes, concealment. The first step of being a ninja.

From inside the shadows, I search my surroundings for any nearby passers, who may see me walk out of the shadows, of a dark alley way. And by coincidence, no one was around.

Doing flips to get to the other side. I find no one in need. Alone in the alley, I sigh, and move on to the next alley.

> > >

"Guuh." I hold back a yelp.

My stomach started to hurt, almost to the point where I had to stop, and take deep breaths.

I couldn't find any reason as to why my stomach hurts. But I couldn't focus on that right now, the mission was calling for me. So I had to put it to the side. And not think about it.

I was going to exchange different hiding places, until from a distance.. Footsteps were heard, stomping onto the ground. They were all at different typos, but I was sure they were all running.

Getting close enough; screams, and shouts were heard, loud enough for me to hear.

"Come back here!"


My breath hitched at the mentioning of a demon.


Time stopped, when I saw the reason why people were running.

Yellow hair, blue eyes, whiskers! He was wearing the same shirt from the last time we met. But only cleaner.

It was that boy again! The one who painted my house!

Civilian men and women, were chasing after the boy. Holding pitch forks, and wooden sticks. I had a gut feeling they weren't going to use that to farm.

Holding chakara in my feet. I run up the side of the tall building, and jump from rooftop to rooftop. Gaining on the small mob of people.

"Naruto! Get back here!"

"We'll get rid of you! Once and for all!"

Naruto? Why would they be talking about fish cake, at a time like this?!

My thoughts evaporated, when I saw the yellow haired boy get his leg swallowed up inside the ground. He tried to get his leg free, but he yelped in pain when he did so.

Other civilians who saw the boy in trouble; kept walking. And ignored his pleas. Like if it was just the thin air whispering into their ears.

"D-Daamit!" the boy screamed, with fear at the edge if his voice.

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