Chapter 21

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Sakura scouted her area for a certain bell. She kept looking under tree trunks, rocks, she also used her clones to have a better adventage on finding at least one bell. But absolutely nothing seemed to help on find her key to success. For what seemed like for a century, emerald eyes captured the sight of her target:

A bell.

Dashing through the forest, jumping over tree trunks, Sakura swiftly dodged all the obstacles in her way. But after reaching her destination, there was yet another obstacle to overcome. However, this obstacle, couldn't be swiftly jumped over.

"I found it first."

"I laid my eyes on it first."

"...Get ready for a big beatdown."


"Let me rephrase it for you一allow me to put you back into your place, where you belong. Or are you chickening out, after that big talk of yours?"

Sakura snapped at Sasuke. "Don't toy with me, I'm not someone to mess with."

"...Sakura.." Sasuke's dark tone, spoke out the characters in her name. "I'm not someone to let another insult me and get away with it."

Steadily circling around each other's perimeter, no one uttered a sound. Their eyes . . never letting go of their anger and ambitions.

Right off the ground both students made impact. Sasuke threw a punch, and Sakura dodged it, then retaliated it with a side kick to his neck. Pain exploded against the side of his head and he staggered to keep his balance.

The pink girl took this chance to snatch the bells off the ground.. But a heel pinned down her fingers, which also crushed the bells below her palm.

"I've always knew your fighting skills were above everyone else's. Back at the academy, no matter how much you tried to hide it, I still saw through your lies." A death glare sustained the pinkette in place. "So stop holding back, I really want to test what your made of." Sasuke held a spar sign in Sakura's view. "After all, isn't Hatake Kakashi your father?" He taunted.

Sakura's face saddened at the word father. True enough, Kakashi took her under his wing after the death of Kizashi一the last of her remaining blood family. She lightly smiled of the memories she shared with her parents. She knew if getting this bell now, meant another step towards her ultimate goal... Sakura grasped the bells beneath her hand. While ignoring the pain Sasuke's heel gave her.

"My true strength? I don't have one. I'm just a girl surviving in this world, wanting to become something great."

Her hand, marked with a symbol glowed cyan blue.

One second Sakura's hand was pinned to the ground. Then the next, Sasuke had trouble on keeping up with Sakura's fast punches. In minutes, Sasuke took a blow to the head. Blow after blow, he cracked and dropped to the ground.

Weakening her opponent was part of Sakura's plan. Plan B: flee as fast as she could... Small amounts of chakra gathered in her feet. Sakura held the bell to her chest and ran for a moment, until she was tackled to the dirt beneath her. Pain had no mercy for Sakura, as she yelp from the contact.

" . . .This belongs to me . . ." Sasuke snatched the bell from his 'Teammate'. His shadow grinned, knowing that his ambitions, goals . . . were about to become his reality.

Green eyes glared back at her culprits. "Give it back!" All of her culprits were a carbon copy of Sasuke. Two of them, shifted kunais to her throat.

"Humph. Turns out you are no match for me." He walks away, his clones still keeping a hold of Sakura.

Through gritted teeth, the female ninja spoke with hatred. "Uchiha Sasuke!"

Now one more bell left.

> > > >

"Hello?" Naruto called into a cave. "Is any body in here? 'Cause, I have to use the restroom."

His call wasn't returned. But his hand glowed.. right where a symbol made it's mark. "What the?" It scared him a little but in seconds, the symbol lost it's light.

"Woah, cool!" With that, he entered the cave to do his business.

> > > >

With a sharp mind, Sakura brought up a sly plan for her to escape.

Suddenly, a Uchiha poked fun at her head, repeatedly. It did not take her long for her to throw rage against it.

She wasn't in the mood. "WHAT?"

"Just wondering if your hair color is real. Looks fake."

"Yeah, just like your last name."

Sasuke growled. "What did you just say?"

"The Uchihas are extinct."

"I am a Uchiha!" Sasuke's copy savagely pulled Sakura to her feet by her long hair.

"If you're a 'Uchiha' then put me under a Genjustu, oh great mystic one."

Another Sasuke butted in. "We don't have to prove anything to you." Two more clones nodded, crossing their arms rudley.

Sakura smirked in triumph. "You're a fool." She said, and kicked number one Sasuke in the groin. And the rest, she propelled sharp shurikens at their bodies... Only one was left in her view. But Sakura quickly retreated, knowing that Sasuke was on his way to steel her bell, her glory, her only chance into reaching her goal.

* * *

"Uzumaki Naruto can't afford to loose here. Not now, not ever!" The orange ninja spoke to himself for motivation, suddenly he found what he was searching for. He instantly bared a toothy smile. "Hehe, who would've thought... that here, a bell would say hello."

"Yeah, who would've thought you're smart."

Glancing back, Naruto emitted a loud gasp of surprise. "Ka-Kakashi Sensei?"

"I seemed to have lost something here. How clumsy of me, right Naruto?" The Copy Ninja peeled his eye straight into the Uzumaki's soul. "Well?"

He waited for a simple wrong step.

"Uh-uh, no! Nope! Not at all Sensei! I have not seen a single bell!" No matter how hard Naruto tried to lie, his heart said otherwise.

"How did you know I dropped one of the bells?" Kakashi's glare thickened.

"I.. uh..一SAKURA?" The blonde's eyesight averted itself behind Kakashi. "Why are you trying to sneak up behind Kakashi Sensei? You cheater!"


Naruto then took the bell and disappeared from sight.

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