Chapter 18

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Chapter 20:

Just like it was from the beginning.


"You don't have to keep your pain inside of you! We can help! Don't you trust us!?"

"No, you can't help." Haku mumbled. "This is my fate, my destiny........."

Naruto boiled in sudden rage. "ARGH! DON'T YOU GET IT!?" Out of the blue, Naruto sucker punched Zabuza's apprentice. "WE'RE FAMILY! YOU FUCKEN' IDIOT!"

Sakura desperately screamed at the top of her lungs. "NARUTO! HAKU!"

She couldn't believe what Naruto had just done.


Sakura furiously threw the blonde to the ground. Her eyes glared daggers straight into his eyes. She didn't agree with the blonde's actions. Not one bit. "Naruto," The pink haired girl growled. "You shouldn't have done that!"

The Nine Tails container stood onto his feet, rage still filled him up. Almost reaching it's limit. "What the hell, Sakura? What did I do to you?"

"You scared?" Inner took hold of Sakura's body. "Boy, you don't want to see me when I get angry." Inner took hold of Naruto using her telekinetic arms to throw him a few kilometers away.

After loosing sight of the young blonde, Inner turned her attention to the ice ninja.

He needs to suffer.

"Now then," Inner took hold if Haku's throat, pulling him out of the ground. "Care to explain why your doing this to Sakura?"

Do it.

Haku's eyes grew bigger. As if, realization had just been injected in him. He recognized that voice!


Haku threw a vicious glare. His voice threatened her. "What have you done to the real Sakura?" He snarled, angry that she was in his presence. He wanted to stay away from her, badly. So he kicked Inner away from him, neatly land on his fours not too far away.

Inner gave a mistrustful smirk. "She's none of your concerns right now. All I can say is . . ." She paused for a moment. But resumed a second later. "Well, nevermind."

Brown eyes reflected the past between him and Inner. Their first encounter wasn't exactly a good one, nor will it ever be. The day when Naruto was taken hostage, Sakura going in her Ten Tails state, going on a rampage. The day he found out Sakura and Naruto we're Jinchuurikis.

Inner's existence made him sick to the core. "You made Sakura go on a rampage, because of you!"

"Awww, you say it as if its a bad thing." Inner pouted.

Haku commented back on her sarcasm. It annoyed him that she didn't care about the severe consequences she caused. "She almost let out the Juubi! Don't you know what happens if that一"

"Don't care.."

Haku's wounds burned. It reminded him the way he stopped the rampage. Using his own body and muffled cries. If he knew any better, the damage that was inflicted upon him, was so drastically powerful, no wonder his body chose to be in a coma.

"Humph, you got some nerve to be trying to tell me what to do."

Haku rapidly came into Inner's sight, holding a combat stance. The sight alone caused Inner to jump back in distress. "Tch," She cursed herself for backing out on Haku's invitation to fight.

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