Chapter 23 -- Incoming!

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The next morning we left the lighthouse. A larger helicopter was on the pad, I never heard the swap being made. So Tamara, Matt, Stephen and myself were able to fit, and Matt slept through the whole flight snug in his car seat. I enjoyed the helicopter rides, I got a different perspective of the primary territory.

"Stephen, there's something going on, we need to get back to the center right now!" I said after feeling this growing fear in the pit of my stomach. "You need to check in with all the territories, it's North. The problem's north." I said and looked at him and reached out for his arm.

"Alright Danika, I'll start the protocols now."

Tamara took in a breath and said, "Danika, your eyes are glowing."

"Really?" I said baffled. "They don't feel any different."

"Yes they are, love," Stephen said as he looked at me concerned. "I'd like you to close your eyes for a moment and concentrate, like when we work with Neil. Try to open yourself to getting clearer direction of what the problem is." He squeezed my hand, and nodded to me to encourage me to try. So I sat back and closed my eyes and focused on relaxing, and tried to keep my mind open to get any more information about what the emergency was.

I soon felt myself getting drawn North, it was summer so all trees were green. It was a ship again, only this was a large ship. Like a yacht, and I could see snow in the background. What city? What city? I kept asking myself. I almost felt the waves as I seemed to rock back and forth, floating and the images were getting clearer. I focused on information and then saw a sign near a peer, I relaxed and concentrated and then saw it- 'Port of Valdez'.

"Valdez, the yacht's in Valdez." I opened my eyes and said, "Matthew."

Stephen linked to all his Betas and apprised them of the situation. He even contacted Alpha Fabron to get assistance. It turned out Professor Meriwether was in Glenallen, he was in charge of renovating the HAARP facility for the University of Alaska. Valdez was the closest port to the facility so it was now a race to see who would reach the professor first. The order was given to capture and hold the Professor and his family for their own safety. And hopefully Matthew and Timothy could convince him of the danger.

After we landed, the only thing we could do was wait in the command center. We received tactical reports from Matthew and Alpha Fabron. The other Alpha was trying to contact some Glenallen local wolves, and Matthew was flying down there in the helicopter with Timothy. Glenallen was so small there were no wolves on the police force or emergency services that we could tap into.

"Stephen" I said during a quiet period, "I would like to learn something to do during these times. I was thinking communications or monitoring or something."

Stephen looked at me in a calculating way, quickly assessing my skills and what his team needed.

"And before you say it," I said gently, "I know I keep your wolf calm. But I want to do more." I was carrying Matt and shifted him in my arms while rocking comfortingly back and forth.

"Danika, I have a very good team, and Matt needs you. I assume you've thought of this?"

"Of course, I thought perhaps a secondary role in the corner somewhere? Maybe monitoring volcanic activity, or whale songs, or even subversive submarine movements and communication? I have no idea."

"Love, let me give it some thought, ok? It's hard enough to focus without a child, but impossible with one." He took a few steps to me and wrapped us in his arms to smell my hair, and then to kiss Matt on the head.

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