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Hi Kak Regina. Apa khabar?

Baik sue n how are you?

Saya baik. Tq. Nov 20 is Transgenders Day and I was wondering if you could give me your thoughts about it.


Like how you would like to see improvements in the community etc or what is needed still to improveyou can talk abt your second book

parents need to grab my book and read. at least for understanding my next book will be launched during GLTF touching all lesbian straight man/women

very good! it's high time people are more aware of the issues.

Anthology of 27 shorts by fixibuku maknyah will prepare parents, i am now doing some revised editon on it they (parents) need to advocate themselves


at least their trans son/daughters can be a better human if not perfect cisgender

by better human can u elaborate?

a responsible person

who can contribute to themselves and to the society regardless what is their sexuality

I see

the media need to address this issue without being bias, bias of what is wrong what is right in term of sexuality

moralizing it kan

i am not promoting that it is okay and glorious to be transgender but we have no choice as a person we might as well lead a meaningful life

That's right!

Better solution that agonizing over it kan or moralizing it when moralizing other people sexuality is done i am afraid it will be a culuture not fair and not right at all training people to tolerate others as they are is important  sue...cisgender pun ramai yang cacat hati cacat penilaian. among them too so many problem transgender day is a day to educate the existing community equal rights and NOT SPECIAL rights it's a platform to empower transgenders and a solid base to gain understanding from the perfect it or know transgender has to be acknowledge kesiankan kat i? hahahhahaa

correct hahaha

your book should be made a compulsory subject!well why not...

another question is how do transgender see the state's or country's treatment towards them still lacking in policies right?

at the moment, they are still not sure. very much lacking.the media will poke fun at any cases regarding them

that's truly bad for media to do

social media comments are rather bias and very sad

Regina, can u cite some examples of media doing it?

poking fun and front news with their own interpretation is worst sue

that's right

do u still experience much discrimination?

Yes very much so, but i am not complaining

Anything by harian metro n some major Malay publication. Amazingly some of their staff are transgender too

Closeted or openly trans This world is funny We trans in Malaysia have a long way to go if we wait for recognition So far there is no Magic to cure sexual dyshporia Deal with it like a human please That's the sad part because transgender dah lama contribute to the nation why still treated differently

I can quote you in my article right?

Yes you can sue

Thanks my dear Kak Regina!


Nanti saya hantar link to story

OK sue

Chat conversation end

Seen 14:31 18/11/2015

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