Chapter Six; A Nightmare and Stolen Horses

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"We should probably stop for the night." Vedran suggested, sounding tired.
"Fine." Yin sighed, she jumped off of her horse, and tied it to a tree.
Vedran slid of his horse, tied it to the same tree, and looked at Yin.
"Do you usually just ride threw the night?" Vedran questioned.
"Yes." Yin answered.
"You don't really wanna talk to me. Do you?" Vedran asked.
"I just don't really talk to a lot of people." Yin stated.
"That's fine." Vedran said.
Yin got her mat off of her horse, and rolled it out.
"Roll your sleep mat out, and try not to put it in a place with a lot of rocks." Yin ordered.
"Sleep Mat?" Vedran asked.
"You don't have a sleep mat?" Yin asked.
"I was sure I'd be staying in taverns and inns." Vedran explained.
"You're an idiot." Yin said in a stating tone.
"I have been called many things... but one of them has never been idiot." Vedran said.
"Don't worry. I've called you an idiot in my head before." Yin stated with a bit of a smile playing at the corner of her lips.
"That's nice to know." Vedran said.
"You can use my sleep mat. I'll watch." Yin ordered.
"Watch for what?" Vedran asked.
"To make sure no one tries to steel anything, or kill us as we sleep." Yin explained.
"Okay. You take first watch." Vedran said.
"No. I watch, you sleep." Yin ordered.
"Don't you want to sleep?" Vedran asked.
"I don't sleep." Yin stated.
"Do most dragons not sleep?" Vedran asked.
"No. I just don't sleep." Yin stated again.
"Why not?" Vedran questioned.
"I just don't sleep." Yin said. "Stop asking.".
"Okay. Sorry." Vedran apologized.
"Go to sleep." Yin commanded.
"Yes ma'am." Vedran grinned, as he laid down on the sleep mat, and pulled a blanket up to his chin.
"Don't call me ma'am." Yin ordered.
"Yes Yin." Vedran said sleepily.
Yin smiled a little.
Idiot. She thought, sitting down, and leaning against a tree.


Yin watched as the destroyed town burned.
She was unable to do anything about it.
She was unable to save the day like some superhero.
Yin liked to think she was a superhero, but she wasn't, and the destruction was actually caused by her.
Maybe she was a villain.
You did this.
"No I didn't!" She ojected.
You are the cause of this destruction.
"No I'm not!" She yelled.
You are unable to save them.
"Th-that's not true." She denied.
You will never be good.
"But I am good! I've saved people! I've helped people!" She screamed in objection, and utter denial.
"Tell them that." This was a different voice. It was a familiar voice. It was the voice of someone who betrayed her.
"Go away Klame!" Yin commanded.
"Come now Yin." Klame cued. "You're no better than me. Remember? You destroyed two towns.".
"No one died." Yin stated.
That does not matter. It makes no difference.
"You still destroyed two towns." Klame stated back.
"It doesn't matter!" She screamed, both at Klame and the voice inside her head. She put her hands on the sides of her head.
"Just except it Yin." Klame offered. "You aren't as good of a person as you think you are.".
You will never be good.
"No." Yin objected. "You're wrong.".
"No." Klame stated. "You are wrong." He walked towards her.
You are evil.
"I'm not evil!" Yin screamed. "And I never will be!".
"I never said you were." Klame reached toward her.
"Leave me alone!" Yin stepped back.
You are a villain.
"I am not!" Yin screamed.
Klame looked at her questioningly, then reached for her again.
"Leave me be Demon!" Yin yelled.
You are just as bad as a demon.
"No I'm not!!" Yin screamed louder than before, tears starting to fill her blue eyes.
"Don't cry." Klame said, it was more of a command, it held little concern, and it definitely wasn't vary censer sounding.
"Leave me alone Klame." Yin turned away from him, not wanting to see him.
You will always be alone.
"Shut up." She grumbled.
"All you do is deny, deny, denial." Said a smooth unfamiliar male voice from behind her.
She turned around, but no one was there.
"No I won't let you see me." He said. "At least not yet.".
"Why?" Yin asked.
"Because I don't want you to know what I look like. Not yet." He explained.
"Who are you?" Yin asked.
She was sure the man had been grinning, and that his grin just got bigger with every question she asked.
"Just call me Eosfóros." He said. "Though it's not my really name it'll do for now Yin.".
"You know my real name." Yin growled.
"I know lots of things about you Yin." The man stated. "I know a lot of things about everyone.".
"What do you know about me?" Yin asked.
"I know all of you're worst fears." Eosfóros said.
"What?" She asked.
She heard chuckling. Then her surroundings changed.
Yin was no longer standing on solid ground, she was falling, fast, toward the ground, though she was quite far from the ground right now.
Yin screamed.


She jolted to a standing position.
"Flaring crap! I fell asleep." She exclaimed.
"What?" Vedran asked, groggily.
Yin ignored him and looked around the "camp" site.
Their horses were gone.
Oh Flaring Feces! She screamed in her head.
Vedran finally woke up most of the way, and he looked in the direction she was staring angrily. Vedran's eyes widened when he realized that both of the horses were gone.
"Who took them?" Vedran asked.
"I don't know." Yin stated sounding as angry as she looked.
"What happened?" Vedran asked.
"I don't know." She repeated just as angrily as last time.
"What do you mean?" Vedran questioned.
"I fell flaring asleep!" Yin exclaimed.
"Oh." Vedran said.
"You don't care?" Yin questioned.
"No. They were just horses." Vedran stated. "As long as both you and I are okay. I'm good." He smiled at her.
"Mhm." Was her response.
"How far away from Skoúro xérei are we?" He asked.
"If we start walking when the sun rises." She thought for a moment. "We could probably be there a little after supper." Yin answered.
"Well then let's go." Vedran said. He rolled up the sleep mat, and the blanket.
All they had now was the sleep mat, the blanket, and both of their money which they both carried in their coin "purses" tied to their waists.
The sun had finally begun to rise after a little while. Yin found some edible berries that they both ate, but they both agreed that the berries were vary filling, though neither of the two voiced this oppinion.
Neither of them talked till they got to Skoúro xérei.
"So what inn should we stay in?" Vedran asked.
"Reverie O'tumult or The Seer." Yin suggested. "You choose." She offered.
"Um... the first one I guess." Vedran said.
"That one is farther away." Yin stated.
"Then we'll stay at The Seer." Vedran smiled.
"Let's just go." Yin said.
"Which on are we going to?" Vedran question.
"DarkBlooms." Yin said.
"What? That wasn't one of the choices." Vedran argued.
"I decided against both of the choices." Yin stated.
"Fine." Vedran said, deciding not to object, it
   Yin pulled her hood up.
   "Let's go." Yin said, and headed in the supposed direction of DarkBlooms, but who could say? Yin might change her mind about that inn as well.
   Vedran decided to just follow her, and not ask any question for make comments.

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