Chapter Twenty-One; Plan Two: Keep an Eye Out.

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Cea woke up before Yin and Vedran, he decided to go get them and himself all breakfast, he got waffles because Yin and Vedran seem to love them.
Cea placed Yin and Vedran's breakfasts on the table next to the couch, he sat on his bed and ate his Waffle, which he decided was really good, he finished his waffle, and decided to wake Yin and Vedran up.
"You two better wake up before your breakfast gets cold!" Cea said loudly.
Vedran heard breakfast and sat bolt upright.
"Waffles?!" Vedran asked.
Yin almost fell off -more like was pushed off- of the bed which is what woke her up.
"Maybe we should've woken him up to eat last night." Yin said. "He sounds as though he hasn't eaten in a long time.".
"Next time we'll wake him up." Cea nodded.
Yin and Vedran both got up and ate their breakfasts.
Yin stood up once both her and Vedran were finished.
"Get up, come on." Yin said putting her cloak on.
"What? Why?" Vedran asked.
"Plan number two." Yin replied.
"What was plan one?" Cea questioned.
"Plan one was summoning the demon, that failed, so I'm moving on to plan two." Yin informed.
"And plan two is?" Cea asked.
"Telling my informate to keep an eye out." Yin answered.
"The acquaintance you visited?" Vedran asked.
"Yes." Yin informed. "Don't bring any weapons that people can see." she added.
"Yes Yin." Vedran said.
"Why?" Cea questioned.
"If you don't they'll search you for small concealed weapons." Yin answered
"Okay." Cea nodded.
Yin lead Cea and Vedran to the six story building.
"What is this place?" Vedran asked.
"Dolofónos Daímones thrískevma." Yin said.
Vedran looked completely confused.
"It's a mercenary company." Yin explained.
"Home sweet home." Cea said.
"Not really." Yin said. "It's mainly female mercenaries.".
"Even better." Cea smirked.
Yin rolled her eyes.
"Let's just go." Yin said leading them into the building.
"You're back again?" The girl at the counter named Star said.
"Yes I am." Yin said.
Risy came running in, she froze when she saw Yin had come back with two young men as well.
"Risy please inform Lys that The Shadow is back." Star said, she sounded annoyed.
"D... do I need to tell him about the-them." Risy asked indicating Cea and Vedran.
"No. he'll find out when he needs to." Star rolled her eyes.
Risy nodded and hurried off to inform Lys of Yin's return.
Yin crossed her arms.
Vedran was uneasy being here.
Cea kept looking around the room, seeming interested.
Star rolled her eyes at Cea's interest in the building.
"Stop gawking Cea." Yin ordered.
"I'm not." Cea argued.
Risy came rushing back.
"Follow me." Risy said and lead them toward Lys office on the fifth floor.
Vedran could not seem to keep from gawking -though he would deny that he was if someone asked-.
Vedran had his hands clasped in front of him, it was obvious that he was nervous being here.
Risy kept glancing at Vedran who didn't notice in the least as he was looking at his hands, which he kept wiping on his pant legs from nervous sweating.
Yin on the other hand did notice and had to force herself to keep from growling outwardly.
Cea had stopped gawking and was now staring at Risy, she did not notice because she was too busy glancing at Vedran and leading them, though Cea was not staring at Risy for the same reason she was glancing at Vedran.
There is something odd about her... and that other girl... Cea thought.
Risy stopped.
"You three can go in at any time." Risy said pointing to the door that lead to Lys's office, she then left with one last glance at Vedran.
This time Yin had to actually bite down on her tongue to keep her from growling or saying anything offensive, Yin was sure she tasted a little blood.
Yin opened the door to Lys's office.
Lys looked up and smiled.
"Ah Yin. Did you miss me so much that you had to come back?" Lys asked, he noticed the two young men trailing Yin into the room, and frowned a little then smiled again.
"You must be the two young men traveling with Yin? Am I mistaken?" Lys asked.
"You are not. My name is Cea." Cea introduced himself.
"And my name is Vad." Vedran lied.
"Yes, yes." Lys nodded. "But you are not Vad." Lys pointed at Vedran.
Vedran looked shocked.
"I slipped up and told him yesterday." Yin growled.
"Oh..." Vedran said.
"Yes, Prince Vedran. It's an honor to have you here in my humble building.
"Hardly humble it's the only six story building in this town." Cea mumbled.
Lys pretended not to have heard Cea, but he had.
"We just came to ask you to keep an eye out." Yin said.
"An eye out for who?" Lys asked.
"The demon." Yin stated. Yin always had this awful feeling in the pit of her stomach when she tried to say Eosfóros's name in the presence of Vedran, but she didn't know why.
"I will yes." Lys nodded.
"Good thank you." Yin said.
"Almost anything for you Yin." Lys smirked.
Vedran sent a glare at Lys but only for a second.
"Let's go." Yin said.
Cea and Vedran started to follow Yin out.
"Oh wait! Yin." Lys said.
Yin turned.
"You will come and visit me again won't you?" Lys asked.
"Maybe." Yin answered. No I won't. If I can help it. She though.
Lys just smirked at Yin.
Vedran clinched his fists. I want to punch him.
Yin walked out of the room, she lead them down to the first floor, out of the Dolofónos Daímones thrískevma, and all the way back to Blue Torpid without a word spoken between them till they were in the room.
Cea was the first to say something.
"The three people we encountered were not humans." Cea stated.
Vedran looked a little shocked, and Yin gave with a look that meant "I knew it".
"Well I don't like him." Vedran crossed his arms and sat on the couch.
"Lys didn't hardly even talk to you." Yin said.
"But he definitely talked to you Yin." Cea rolled his eyes.
"Don't tell me you're jealous again." Yin looked at Vedran.
"I'm not. I just don't like the way he talked to you." Vedran argued.
"What is Lys's problem anyway?" Cea asked.
"He has always had a fascination with me." Yin said.
"Probably because he runs a female mercenary company." Cea nodded. "So he wants you to join, that does not give him the right to flirt with you.".
"Nowhere in the law does it say men can't flirt with certain women." Yin stated.
"I'm definitely changing that." Vedran grumbled.
Yin looked at Vedran questioningly.
Cea laughed.
"I would definitely vote to get that law made." Cea nodded still laughing slightly.
"So what are they?" Yin asked looking at Cea.
"Well Lys is definitely a demon." Cea informed.
"Star and Risy?" Yin asked.
"I'm not so sure about those two. They might be demons, but I'm not positive." Cea answered.
Yin nodded.
"Great. More people I trusted slightly are demons." Yin said irritatedly. "It's like trusting demons is a natural thing." She grumbled.
Cea looked at Yin for a little while then turned to Vedran.
"What did you think of Rissy and Star?" Cea asked.
Vedran looked at Cea for a little while as if trying to figure out how to answer a perplexing question.
"Well Star seemed irritable and was quite rude I didn't much like her, Risy was quiet, shy, and introverted but other than that she was okay." Vedran said with a shrug.
Cea nodded.
"Risy was staring at you." Cea informed Vedran.
"What? Why?" Vedran asked. "Was there something on me?" Vedran turned in three full circles trying to see if there was anything on his back.
Cea looked at Yin who rolled her eyes then glared at the wall to the side of her, Cea chuckled inwardly.
Don't know what you feel for him. Ha! Earth's flaring core. Cea thought.
"So what now?" Vedran said after figuring that he had nothing on his back.
"I don't know." Yin shrugged.
"Let's eat lunch." Cea said.
"Oh go get some of those gyro things." Yin said.
Vedran had eaten the gyro for breakfast as well as the waffles.
"Those were really good." Vedran said nodding.


So they're in Teufelshöhle.


The Demon laughed.

"Looks like we're taking a little trip.".

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