Chapter Thirteen; The Shadow who has Nightmares

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   Vedran was laying on the sleep mat wide awake, unable to sleep in fact, because something was troubling him.
   Cea was asleep, but not in a deep sleep, he was ready just in case they were attacked.
   Yin has her back against a tree sitting down, she was watching the boys sleep.
   Or at least she thought they both were asleep.


   Vedran could tell if Yin fell asleep she'd have a nightmare.
   Vedran had never had a nightmare in his life, but he could always tell when other people were having nightmares, or if they were going to have a nightmare. It was always a strange gift he'd had.
   His dad had known about it.
   Yin please don't fall asleep and have a nightmare. Vedran thought. Please when you do go to sleep, please sleep peacefully.
   Vedran hated that every person or dragon around him had nightmares, but he didn't. He hates it because they had to deal with the fears of their nightmares, but he didn't.
   Yin was determined not to fall asleep. She was sure if she did Cea would probably get angry, or make fun of her.
   Yin looked at Vedran.
   You're not asleep. Are you Princey? Yin thought.
   No he's not~
   Go way Eosfóros. Yin ordered.
   Awe! But don't you want company?~
   Not from you.
   Oh…~ he said slyly.
   Yin glared at a tree.
   I know who you want the company of~ a chuckle.
   Yin glanced at Vedran, then went back to glaring at the tree, she was pretending it was the voice in her head.
    That's right. Your dear Princey~ Another chuckle.
   Shut up. Yin growled in her head.
   Now Yiny-pooh don't get angry~ Eofóros said with an evil hint to the word 'angry'.
   I'm always angry at something.
   I know. I've been searching around your head~
   Yin glared at the tree growling inwardly.
   I've found some interesting thoughts in here~ some vary interesting thoughts. This time Eofóros chuckle was dark and evil.
   Like what? Yin gritted her teeth.
   Some things about Klame~
   Yin looked around the camp.
   Some about a Malik~
   Yin scoffed.
   A few about Cea~ an amused chuckle.
   Yin rolled her eyes.
   But I've found a lot about your dear Princey~ an evil chuckle.
   Yin looked at Vedran, as he shifted on her sleep mat.
   Like what? Yin asked.
   Eofóros didn't answer, the only reply she got was just chuckled.
   Vedran rolled over to face Yin.


   Vedran had to know if Yin was asleep, so he turned over to face her.
   Yin was looking right at him.
   Vedran gulped, and reddened a little from embarrassment.


   "What do you need?" Yin asked in a whisper.
   "I-I was just wondering if you were still awake." Vedran immediately regretted saying that.
   "Yeah. Because who knows what will get stolen next." Yin said in slite irritation.
   "Th-that's not what I meant." Vedran defended himself.
   Yin felt a twinge of regret saying that so meanly.
   "Sorry." Yin apologized not looking at Vedran.
   "It's fine, you're forgiven." Vedran smiled slightly, he sat up, and faced her.
   "It's not fine." Yin stated. "I need to learn to have a nicer tone.".
   "Okay no. It's not fine, but you're forgiven." Vedran stated. "And if you have to change to 'have a nicer tone' then don't, because then it wouldn't be you.".
   Yin looked at Vedran, she smiled slightly at him.
   "Thank y-you." Yin said, her voice cracked, and she scolded herself for allowing it to.
   Vedran smiled at her brightly.
   They were both silent for a while.
   "You need to sleep Vad." Cea said sitting up.
   Yin looked at Cea.
   Vedran rolled his eyes on the inside, but he laid down listening to Yin and Cea's conversation.
   "My watch." Cea said, and he stood up.
   "Fine." Yin stood up. I probably won't sleep though.
   Cea walked over to a tree, and sat with his back against it.
   Yin walked over, and laid on Cea's sleep mat, she pulled the blanket up to her chin, faced away from Cea at the fire, and Vedran who was on the other side of the fire.
   Vedran was facing away from Yin.
   Turn toward me please. Yin thought.

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