Chapter Twenty-Three; A Scroll and Naps.

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Cea left Dolofónos Daímones thrískevma, He wasn't sure what to think at all.

The Gray Dream Inn

Just the place for someone with lots of money to stay, Cea knew Klame was pretty wealthy, but to stay in the most obvious place? It's like he wants us to know he's here. It's like he's testing us to see if we'll run and hide, attack, or confront him.
Cea sighed.
"Yin's gonna love this." he grumbled sarcastically.

\§/Mean While

Yin laid in bed staring at the ceiling. There wasn't really anything to do, Vedran had fallen asleep laying next to her and surprisingly he hadn't snuggled up close, though she was relieved of that but only slightly.
Yin stood up, taking extra care not to wake the Prince. Yin needed to do something, so she decided to try to read I kýlisi Agápi kai Mísos.
A scroll given to every Dragon who is chosen to live and care for the humans.
The Dragon elders home that at some point one of the Voskós Frouroí- Dragons that care for the humans- would be able to read it at some point, but to no avail no Voskós Frourá has been able to.
Yin took it out and looked at the writing, but it was all just a bunch of letters that looked odd.

Вам, читатель, избранный.

The first line was short, she stared at it for a few minutes but got a little frustrated.

Вы были в состоянии прочитать текст, содержащийся в этом свитке, так что теперь я буду вам, как сохранить драконов.

The next few lines were no more promising, and no less frustrating.

быть храбрым. быть смелым. люби их. а также

The last of it always puzzled her, because it seemed to end abruptly with no period, as if the writer hadn't finished what they were writing.
The last thing on the scroll must be his sign off and his name, for it was on the very bottom of the page.

ваш покорный слуга, Сет.

But Yin still was unsure of that.
Yin rolled I kýlisi Agápi kai Mísos back up and put it in her bag, she sat in the chair with her eyes closed trying to think.
What am I going to do when I see Klame? Was the question ringing in her mind at this point.
Well knowing you Yiny dear, you'll either keep a cool head or explode~
Yin growled.
Eosfóros chuckled.
Long time no talk~
Go harass someone else.
But you're the funniest living creature with a soul to harass~
Yin sighed.
So Yiny... are you going to worry about Klame? Or relaxe with your dear Princey?~
Yin looked at Vedran who was still asleep.
I'm not going to disturb him, I don't want to wake him up.
Mhm... so you would rather worry about Klame?~
No.... Yin sighed. I've already gotten too close to him....
Pft! Why are you worried about that?~
He's a human.
No... that is not the reason you're trying to distance yourself~
Oh really? Then why am I trying to distance myself?
You don't want him to get hurt, by an enemy or by you~
Yin did not reply.
I'm right. You know I'm right~
Get out of my head.
Stop holding back Yiny... or you'll never have a chance~
Yin waited for Eosfóros to say more but he didn't so he must have left.
Yin reached for her bag to take the scroll back out, but she stopped, she knew it would just frustrate her even farther.
Yin looked at Vedran.
I'm tired.... She thought. I hardly ever notice how tired I am....
Yin could feel her heavy eyelids, she was sure the bed had never looked so welcoming.
No.... Yin thought, I have to stay awake. She looked up at the ceiling.
"Yin...?" Vedran started to sit up.
"You can go back to sleep Vad." Yin said.
"You look like you need to sleep." Vedran stated.
"I don't." Yin argued.
"You look like you could fall asleep right now." Vedran yawned.
"I don't want to sleep." Yin said.
"And the truth is revealed." Vedran smiled.
Yin rolled her eyes, then yawned.
"Come on Yin, If you want, I'll sit and you can sleep" Vedran said.
Yin shook her head like a defiant child.
"I'll make you." Vedran said his childish smile turning into a mischievous grin.
"Tsk! I doubt it." Yin crossed her arms.
Vedran stood up, the grin still ever present, he walked over to Yin.
"Is that a challenge Yin?" Vedran asked.
Yin narrowed her eyes at the Prince.
"No just a Fact." Yin answered.
"That fact will be made false." Vedran picked Yin up, one arm under her back, the other arm under her knees.
"Vedran!" Yin exclaimed in shock.
Vedran just laughed, he walked over to the bed, and laid her down.
"Now go to sleep." Vedran said leaning over her.
"Why should I?" Yin asked glaring at him.
"Because You looking tired worries me." Vedran stated the worry showing both in his face and voice.
Yin's glare disappeared, a mixed look that Vedran couldn't decipher in it's place.
"Don't worry about me." Yin ordered.
"I can't not worry about you." Vedran argued. "You are quite worrisome." a small smile started to come across his face.
"Am I?" Yin asked.
Vedran nodded.
"I'm sorry." Yin apologized.
"You don't need to apologize Yin." Vedran said.
Yin sighed, but her sigh mixed with a yawn, and it sounded really stupid.
Vedran laughed.
"Don't laugh at me." Yin glared at Vedran.
"I'm not. I just thought it was cute." Vedran said.
"I'm a criminal... I'm not cute." Yin stated.
"Yes you are." Vedran argued.
Yin huffed, then yawned again.
"Ugh! I can usually keep myself from yawning." Yin grumbled.
"Well you've slept a few times now which you haven't done in a while." Vedran stated. "So now your body is realizing how much it needs sleep.".
Yin nodded a little groggily.
"Sleep for a little while Yin." Vedran said.
"What are you going to do?" Yin asked.
"I'll probably write another letter to my mother." Vedran smiled.
"Okay." Yin nodded, and absentmindedly close her eyes.
Vedran pulled the blanket over Yin.
"Sweet dreams Yin." Vedran said and kissed her on the forehead.
He waited for her to get angry at him, but she must have already been asleep.


Vedran had been about to write to his mom when Cea walked back into the room.
"You're not gonna like this Yin-." Cea started to say more, but realized Yin was asleep and stopped.
"Never mind I'll tell you when you wake up." Cea said.
"What is Yin going to dislike?" Vedran asked.
"I found out where Klame is staying." Cea stated.
"Why is Yin going to dislike that?" Vedran questioned.
"Because he's staying in the most obvious and expensive place possible." Cea informed.
"Oh." Vedran said.
Cea sat on his bed.
"I'm gonna take a nap." Cea said, and laid down. "Wake me up when Yin wakes up.".
"Okay." Vedran nodded, and went back to letter he was writing.

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