Chapter Twenty-Two and a Half; Cea at Dolofónos Daímones thriskevma.

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Cea walked into Dolofónos Daímones thrískevma.
Yep. Most everyone in this building is definitely a demon. Cea thought.
"What do you need?" Star asked.
"I need to talk to Lys." Cea said.
"Are you a customer?" Star asked.
"No I was here the other day with The Shade." Cea said.
"So why are you here now?" Star asked.
"I came to ask Lys a question." Cea informed.
Star stared at Cea as if he were a bug under a magnifying glass, but Cea was used to that look, he got it a lot.
"Risy!" Star called.
Risy ran in and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Cea.
"What is your name again?" Star asked.
"My full name is Cea Steal." Cea said.
"Risy take Mr Steal to Lys." Star ordered.
"I prefer to be called Cea." Cea stated.
"Just go with Risy." Star said.
"Yes Ma'am." Cea said, and followed Risy.
Star shook her head.
Risy lead Cea in a different direction than she had last time.
"Why are we going a different way?" Cea questioned suspiciously.
Risy glanced back at him but turned away when she realized he was already looking at her.
"Mr Lys changed offices... he doesn't like staying in one office for too long." Risy said.
"Okay." Cea nodded.
Risy lead Cea to a Lift, a contraption that could take you up to a different floor.
"Hmm. I've only ever been in one of these." Cea said.
"Th-there not a very com-common contraption." Risy stated stuttering a little, and pushed the up button.
"Why are you so nervous around me?" Cea asked.
"Be-because you're a-." Risy was cut off by a loud ding and the Lift door opening.
They both walked in.
"You're one too." Cea stated.
"Bu-but you're-." This time Cea is the one who cut her off.
He slammed his hand against the Lift's wall next to her, Risy's eyes widened in complete fear.
"Don't." Cea had leaned down so he was eye to eye with the petite girl. "Tell anyone." he ordered.
Risy gulped and nodded.
Their faces were hardly two inches away from each other.
Risy was doing everything in her power to press herself against the wall to get farther away, the Lift hadn't moved other than to close its doors because no one had pressed the floor number they needed to go to.
Cea realized this and backed away from Risy, he seemed almost begrudging to back away.
Risy gulped and pressed the button marked with a 4.
"Wh-why are you traveling with th-The Shade?" Risy asked.
"I was told to." Cea stated.
Risy looked at him, Cea was already looking at her, and Risy looked away.
"I know you're nervous, but you seem scared of me now." Cea said smirking.
"You d-did just threaten m-me." Risy informed.
"I guess I should've said please." Cea half frowned.
"Th-that would've been nicer." Risy nodded slightly.
Cea chuckled.
The Lift gave another loud ding and the doors opened to the fourth floor.
Risy lead Cea to Lys's new office, she went in then came and opened the door to let him in.
Lys smiled as he stood from his chair.
"Welcome back Cea." Lys said.
"Thanks." was Cea's unenthusiastic reply.
Lys looked behind Cea.
"Do you need anything Ris?" Lys asked.
"N-no sorry!" Risy exclaimed and left.
"Hmm." Lys hummed thoughtfully, the Lys looked at Cea.
"What did you do to Risy?" Lys asked.
Cea looked at Lys for a few seconds before answering.
"I tried to kiss her." Cea half lied with a nonchalant shoulder shrug.
"But you didn't?" Lys questioned.
"The Lift bell interrupted me." Cea lied.
Lys closed his eyes and nodded slightly, though he did not even try to look convinced.
"So Cea, what are you here for?" Lys asked.
"I need to ask if you know where Klame is staying?" Cea asked.
"Of course I know where he's staying." Lys said.
"Could you tell me?" Cea asked.
"Yes. I could." Lys nodded.
Cea rolled his eyes.
He wants something in return for the name of the place Klame is staying.
"What do you want from me Lys?" Cea asked.
Lys grinned a slightly evil grin.
"You're smarter than you look." Lys said.
"I get that a lot." Cea shrugged.
"I want you to tell me something." Lys answered Cea's question.
"What?" Cea questioned.
"Did you really try to kiss Ris?" Lys asked his smile completely gone.
"Not really." Cea answered. "I told her not to do something and I got really close... but I only just thought about kissing her when I realized she needed to press the button to make the Lift start." He explained.
Lys nodded.
"Don't hurt Ris." Lys warned.
"Why?" Cea asked.
"She's like a daughter to me, I don't let just anyone be with her." Lys explained.
Cea nodded, then remembered the deal.
"And your answer to my question?" Cea asked.
"One more thing." Lys said.
"What?" Cea asked.
"It's about Yin." Lys answered.
Cea nodded and waited for Lys's response.
Lys smiled evilly before he answered.

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