Chapter One

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The fifth year was going to be starting and Hermione was once again as excited as could be. Harry had had some problems with the Ministry before we went shopping for school supplies. We had to be heavily supervised even though we knew we could handle ourselves. All because Voldemort was back and the Order beleived that he was trying to take over the Ministry by using his death eaters that are positioned there.


"Hermione dear, are you ready to leave tomorrow?" I looked up at Mrs. Weasley and smiled. "Of course, I'm already packed." She smiled and then turned to Ron, "Are you all packed yet?" His ears turned red and he slowly shook his head, "No mum, not yet."

"Ronald Weasley, you are going to pack tominght or I will make sure you cannot go to Hogsmeade this year. Don't think I won't." He choked on the bite of food he was eating and stood up. "I'll go do it now." She nodded and looked at Harry.

"I packed earlier." She smiled and nodded, "She knew she didn't have to check with Ginny because she had helped her fold all of her clothes and organize her trunk right after we got back from shopping. Sirius looked at Molly and smiled weakly at her. We all knew that he was sad that Harry was going to be going to Hogwarts and leaving him here alone. I can't say I blame him, this place is dreary and with Kreacher the only thing here to keep him company it's more like torture.

I bid everyone a good night and went up to my room to get some sleep. I took a shower so I wouldn't have to be rushed in the morning and made sure that I had everything. Ginny came into the room that she was sharing with me and sat on her bed. "Who do you think will be the DADA teacher this year?" I shrugged, "I"m not sure. It seems that no-one can last more than a year there. Then again Moody didn't really last a year there seeing as how he was locked in a trunk the entire time." She nodded and shrugged, "Oh well, I guess we'll find out when we get there. Hopefully whoever it is isn't as bad as Lockheart." I nodded, "Yeah, he turned to be quite the fraud and nutter didn't he?"

She laughed, "That he did. Well, goodnight Hermione."

"Goodnight Ginny." I laid down just as she shut off the lights and fell asleep.

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