Chapter Twenty-One

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Ginny's POV

I left Hermiones room in a hurry and went to see McGonagall. "Miss Weasley, what can I help you with?" I looked at her and closed the door behind me, "It's Hermione, Professor, we need to get her out of here without anyone finding out. She can't stay here any longer." She stood up and nodded, "Let's get everything ready; I'll inform the Headmaster." I nodded and went to grab Harry, Ron, Cho, and unfortunately Lavender. 

"Harry!" He stopped and turned around. "Hey Ginny, what's wrong?" 

"We got to go, Harry; it's time." He looked at me, "Time for what?" I groaned, "Look, it's time to get out of the castle and get ready to bring the fight to Him." He nodded, not sure exactly why it had to be now. "Look, just get your things and tell Ron to get his as well. As soon as the death eaters know that you all are not here anymore, they will swarm the castle and use any means necessary to get to you. Make sure you bring Cho and Lavender with you. Meet me in the Headmasters office in a half an hour. Password is Licorice Wands." He nodded and ran off to go pack. I went to Gryffindor tower, told my brothers to pack and where to meet us all. "Make sure you shrink your bags so no-one knows what you're doing."  

Once my things were packed and in my pocket, I took a minute to look around my room and then walked out. Once I got back to the Headmasters office, every-one was already there waiting. Dumbledore clapped his hands together, his eyes shining and a smile on his lips. "Okay, now that every-one is here we can get started.   Not all of you are aware but after the marriage law came into effect, we knew that Tom was behind it. What we didn't know, however, was why he wanted Hermione and Draco matched together. Now, we know that he had a reason for it."

"What reason?" He looked over his spectacles at Harry, "You were the reason. He thought that if He could get young Mr. Malfoy to manipulate Miss Granger into separating herself from the two of you, that you wouldn't be able to figure out how to defeat him." Harry looked at me and then at Dumbledore. "How did Ginny get involved in this?"

I walked in front of  Dumbledores desk and clasped my hands in front of me.  "I came to him and asked to be involved in the matter. This doesn't just include you three; this is about all of us. If Harry fails then every single one of is who opposed the death eaters will be first on their list of targets. Don't forget that with this marriage law your wives are in this too. " Harry looked over at Cho and nodded.  "Where are we going to go?"

"You'll be going with your godfather.  We have everything set up for all of you." He brought out a portkey and everyone grabbed hold. A moment later we landed in an empty field around the block. Once we got there, we were able to go inside since Harry was given the location of the safe house guarded by a fidelius charm.

Hermiones POV

After we got inside, Sirius came up to us and hugged Harry. "Sirius, how are you doing?" He puled back, holding Harrys shoulders and smiled at him, "Better now that you are all here. You look more and more like your father everyday." He stepped back and looked at all of us, clasping his hands together. "Okay; Dumbledore told me everything about the marriage law and how it seemed to be going in a way that was going to benefit the death eaters in this war. I have rooms ready for all of you upstairs. Harry you can stay in your room and then Ron and his wife in the room next to them. Hermione, you can stay in the room you normally would have been in with Ginny."

He looked over at Draco and then at me, "Just do you know, I hate your father. If you ever do anything to hurt her, I will hunt you down and make you sorry you ever did." I saw Draco pale and nod. "Oh and don't forget I won't be alone." He gestured to Harry, Ron, and the Weasley twins, who nodded in agreement. 

We went upstairs and un-shrunk our things, setting them at the foot of the bed. "Why did this have to happen? I just wanted to go to school, study for my O.W.L.S and pass. Now I'm a wife and I'm pregnant; oh and don't forget the fact that now I'm being hunted." I sat down on the bed, pulling my legs up to my chest. 

He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me, "I know it sucks right now and I wish it didn't have to be you. When I found out that I was placed with you for a reason, I hated it. After a while though, I got used to the idea of us being here together. I started seeing things differently, because of you, and realized that I was wrong. Your blood is just as red as mine, just as pure. Yes, you came from muggles but that means that you are the first in your line with magic. You aren't stealing magic from those who came from magical parents, you're starting your line of magical descendants. That is the most amazing thing to think about. Generations from now, your grandchildren will tell their grandchildren about you. And as for the whole pureblooded Malfoy line crap; you're not tainting it with your blood. If anything, you're making it better."

After a few minutes, someone knocked on the door and Draco reluctantly got up to open it. "Potter." Harry came inside, rolling his eyes at Draco. "Hermione, you're needed downstairs, the order is gathered." I nodded and stood up and followed him down, Draco right behind me. When I walked in the room, everyone looked over at me. I saw Molly stop smiling and her lips went in a tight thin line at the sight of Draco behind me. "Hello Hermione, thank you for coming down, have a seat." I nodded at Kingsley and sat down.

"Okay, now that we are all here, we can get started. As you-"

"Sorry Kingsley but should we really discuss these matters in present company?" I looked over at Molly and frowned, seeing she was looking at Draco. "Oh, I'll just leave then." Surprisingly Harry stood up and grabbed his arm, directing him to the seat next to me. "He has as much invested in this as we all do. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have known to get everyone out of Hogwarts."

"Harry, dear, I understand that because he's your friends husband you want to get along with him for her sake. This has to do with us though." Harry slammed his hands down on the table, "This has everything to do with Hermione and her child; seeing as how that child is also Dracos', he has as much right to be here as any of us. Now, let's get back to making a plan unless someone else would like to speak against me." He looked around the table for a moment and once he saw no-one was going to say anything, he sat down. 

"Thank you Harry. It has come to our attention that we were right in the reason for this marriage law taking place. You-Know-Who wanted to break Harry, Ron, and Hermione apart by having her marry Draco Malfoy. It would have worked if not for Mr. Malfoy here starting to see flaws within what he was taught. If we hadn't removed Hermione when we did, word would have reached Malfoy Manor of her pregnancy. When that happened, they were going to have her taken there for the remainder of the pregnancy. We don't know what they would have done with her or her child, but we knew that it couldn't have been good." Everyone looked at me and Draco for a moment before looking back to Kingsley. In the next couple of days, we're going to hear from Dumbledore about our next move. Harry, he sent this for you; said he'd know what it means."

After the meeting, we all went upstairs to relax until dinner was ready. 

Unknown POV

I looked down as the pages of the journal glowed. Opening it, I saw a message from her in the pages. 

The mudblood and her friends are gone; plan must be implemented as soon as possible. Draco is a traitor to the cause and must be punished with the rest of the blood-traitors. Will send information as I get it.

I stood up and went to the dining room where He was. As soon as I was in front of him, I knelt down. "Stand." 

"My Lord, I just heard word that they moved Potters mudblood and all of them to a safe house; Draco is with them." He stroked the head of his snake and nodded, "Make the preparations, we need to know where they are."  I nodded and left the room, bowing before leaving his sight. They will be found soon and all will turn out how we want it to. We will win this war at any cost. 

Marriage Law - DramioneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ