Chapter Two

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"Ginny, Hermione, time to get up girls." I stretched and slowly opened my eyes, yawning as I did. "It feels like I barely just fell asleep a few hours ago." I heard Ginny agree with me through a yawn, "What time is it anyway?"

"I'm not sure but it cannot be 7am. It has to be earlier than that." Looking at my watch I was it was 7:30am. "Ugh, it's 7:30. We should get up and get some food." We got up and got dressed really fast, then headed downstairs.

"Hey guys, how'd you sleep?" Harry and Ron didn't even look up they just grunted into their food. "Hurry up and eat you lot. We have a long drive to get to King Cross station."

Ginny and I ate quickly and went back upstairs to grab our trunks. I got mine partways down before George came upstairs. "Need some help?" I nodded, "Sure." He carried my trunk downstairs and put it in the trunk.

Once everyone was in the cars, we left. Kings Cross was packed so no-one paid any attention to is as we went through the wall. Once on platform 9 3/4, we put our trunks to be loaded on.

We were able to find a compartment to ourselves and settled in for the long ride to school. "Anything from the grim repl trolly dears?" I looked over and grabbed a licorice wand and paid a knut for it. Harry got a few things for him and Ron to share and handed over a few galleons.

"Did you see all the people pointing and looking down their noses at me?" Harry was looking out of the window as he spoke. "Everyone thinks I'm a liar. No one believes that Voldemort is back."

"It might take people time to finally realize that you were telling the truth. But once they do, they'll regret ever calling you a liar and Dumbledore a fraud." He nodded and went back to his sweets. I laid down on my seat and fell asleep.

I felt myself being woken up. "Hmmm?"

"We're almost at Hogwarts. It's time to get changed into our robes." I stood up and grabbed my bag. Harry and Ron stepped outside so I could change in private. I closed the shades and changed really quick. When I was done, I knocked on the door to let them know I was done.

A few minutes later we pulled up to the station. When we got off we didn't see Hagrid anywhere which was out of the ordinary since he always led the first years across the lake. Instead we saw professor Grubby Plank calling for the first years.

"Where do you suppose Hagrid is Harry?" He shook his head, "I'm not sure." We got in a carriage and it started going off to the school. When we got there, we noticed quite a few students looking at Harry. Some in awe and some in disgust.

After the sorting, Professor Dumbledore gave an announcement. Right in the middle of his speech, someone interrupted him. Some woman stood up dressed in the most hideous pink outfit and walked to the podium.

"Thank you headmaster for those warm words of welcome. I am so glad to see all of your bright smiling faces looking at me. I hope that we can become good friends."

"Not likely." I silently agreed with Fred and George. "I know who that is. She was at my hearing; she works for Fudge." I looked at Harry and then at her in shock.

"The ministry of magic wants to make sure that you have educational classes and I am here to make sure that it happens. The minister of magic also wished me to inform you that as of tomorrow morning, he will be issuing a new law. This law will maintain that magic continues to grow and that we create less squibs." Everyone in the Great Hall was looking at her confused.

"The law is a Marriage Law. All fifth years and up will be matched and married." There was a loud uproar of students protesting the idea of arranged marriages. "Silence!"

Professor Dumbledore stood up and silenced the crowd with one word. "There is no way out of those law unless you decide to hand over your wand and be erased from the wizarding world."

I looked at Harry and Ron in shock. "They can't do this to us can they?"

Marriage Law - DramioneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu