Chapter Eighteen

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A/N Sorry the update is later than expected. My baby has a bad cold and she's been miserable the last five days. She went to the doctor today and she gave us the go ahead to give her infant Tylenol as it seems to be helping.

I'm still looking for a beta reader of anyone is interested. Please comment or pm me if you want to. ---Thanks for reading

Hermiones POV

The dance ended and shortly after that, Draco went over to his father and let him know that we were going to be heading to our room soon. They spoke for a few minutes and then Draco came back over to me. "Let's get out of here. I'm sure you're getting tired of being surrounded by Purebloods." I nodded, I had been given multiple looks of disgust and thinly veiled comments of hate the entire night. 

On the way to our bedroom, we didn't speak seeing as how both of us knew what was next. I didn't know if Draco was looking forward to it, but I was almost dreading it. I had always thought that this moment would be shared with someone I had chosen for myself; not with someone I was forced to marry. I had gotten use to the fact that he was the one I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with and part of me was starting to like him. The other part of me, however, was worried about what exactly this union would do to my friendships and how it would affect my role in the impending war we knew was to come. 

With Voldemort being resurrected the following year, the ministry interfering at Hogwarts, and now the marriage law; most of us who believed that he had returned were terrified. That seemed bad enough as it was but now that the marriage law was in effect, it seemed to be an even worse foreboding of bad things to come. 

Draco said our password and moved back to let me through first, I was incredibly glad that he didn't carry me over the threshold. He took his jacket off and set it on the chair in front of the vanity in the bedroom. I saw him look at me out of the corner of my eye as I turned to take off my necklace and earrings. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down, knowing I had no choice in the matter. I couldn't help but being confused though; part of me didn't want this to happen but another part of me wanted him more than I ever wanted anyone before. I looked over at him and he was staring out of the window. "Are you alright?" I looked over at him puzzled by the question. "I'm fine; I'll admit I'm a little nervous though."

He looked over at me, "Nervous to have sex with me or nervous to have sex in general?" I blushed, looking down at my feet. "The second one..." He nodded and rubbed his neck. He walked to me and taking my hand, led me to sit on the bed. "This can be as quick as you need it to be. We can just get through this and be done with it for now." I nodded, "I wouldn't know what I was doing." 

He looked like he was thinking for a moment and then very abruptly crashed his lips against mine. I didn't think about what I was doing and started responding against his lips. He ran his tongue across my lower lip and I readily opened to let his tongue in. While his lips were still moving against mine, he ran his hand up to the back of my hair, gripping slightly and pulling me against him. I moaned lightly and he started kissing me a little rougher, while his tongue was massaging mine. He pulled back, his lips flushed and smirking. "You seem to know at least that much." 

Before I could respond, he pulled my head back a bit to reveal my neck. His head dipped down until his lips touched my neck. He started kissing my neck before he started sucking and biting it. 

I moaned at the sensation of his mouth against my neck. He stood up suddenly, pulling me with him. He had me turn around and he unzipped my dress, slowly pulling it down to pool at my ankles. I stepped out of the dress and kicked off my heels. I looked at him and slowly moved my hands to remove his shirt. Once I had his clothes removed and was down to his boxers I looked up at him. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

I nodded, "Yes, I'm sure." 

Before I knew it, we were both naked and on the bed kissing with our hands exploring each other. His hand moved down my waist and went between my thighs. I gasped into his mouth at the touch of his fingers against my folds. He slowly started moving his fingers, stimulating me. I moaned, suddenly wanting more contact. His fingers moved to my entrance and he slowly pushed one in. It was tight but as he massaged my walls with his fingers, I started to relax slightly. After a few minutes, he added another finger. I bucked my hips against his hand craving more friction. 

He pulled back and looked into my eyes, asking a unspoken question. "Please." He removed his fingers and moved on top of me, lining himself up at my entrance. He slowly pushed himself in, filling me. When he was all the way in, he started moving out and then back in. After a minute, I started thrusting my hips up meeting him thrust for thrust. I felt a pressure building in me and begged him to go faster. As if I was pushed over a cliff, I felt myself let go yelling his name as I came. He came shortly after me and then stilled, laying on top of me for a few moments before pulling out of me and laying down next to me. 

As we laid there, I couldn't believe that it had happened. We kept staring up at the ceiling, not saying a word to each other and eventually fell asleep like that. 

I woke up to the sound of the shower running and looked at the clock to see it was 6:45 am. I got up, grabbing my robe and went to the closet to pick out my clothes for today. Draco came out of the bathroom, drying his hair. 
"Morning." He looked over at me, smiling. I grabbed a towel; "Morning. How did you sleep?"

He set his towel down and picked up a shirt to put on. As he was buttoning it up he looked over, "I slept pretty good. How about you?" 

I nodded, "Same." I went into the bathroom and got into the shower. I sighed as the warm water ran over my muscles, still a little sore form the activities from the previous night. 

Once I got out of the shower, I got dressed and we went to the Great Hall to eat breakfast. He went over to the Slytherin table and I went to the Gryffindor table to sit with Ginny. 

I sat down across from her and began piling food on my plate. "Hungry aren't we? Did you build up an appetite last night?" I blushed, not saying anything and instead taking a bite of eggs. "Anyway. What are your plans for today?" She shrugged, "Not sure; I was thinking about going to Hogsmeade to get some supplies. How about you?"

I shrugged, "Not sure either. I hadn't planned on doing anything since I was a little preoccupied with the wedding plans. I'm just glad that it's over and done with, you know?" She nodded, "Yeah I understand. How are the two of you doing?"

"We're okay; I mean it's still a little weird but it's getting easier. I know that we don't have love between us but I think that we can get there if we try. I don't want to be the kind of married couple that only gets along when we have to. I want something more and I plan on making the most out of the situation." She nodded, "Good. That is a good attitude to have. What are you going to do about Ron?"

I looked down at the table, unsure of what to say. He hadn't really talked to me since the night we fought. He was doing his hardest to spread rumors about me however and calling me rude things behind my back whenever I passed him. "I don't know to be honest. I don't want our friendship to be over but he doesn't seem to want to get passed the fact I was paired with Draco. He has Lavender now so I thought that he would get over it. It's not like we could have been together even if I wasn't paired with Draco. We're better as friends." I took a drink of pumpkin juice. "Why do you ask though?"

"Cause Ron just walked in." She looked over my shoulder, so I turned to look and saw him walking in our direction with Harry; Lavender practically hanging off his shoulder. They walked over, Lavender glaring at me and stood in front of me and Ginny. "What do you want?"

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