Chapter Sixteen

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A/N; Dress above on the right is Hermiones' dress for the wedding rehearsal. The pic on the left is my daughter the day after she was born (can't resist showing my little princess off)

Okay so I'm sorry for taking so long between updates. Right now I'm still recovering from having my baby. She was born on March 14 after being in labor for about 26 hours.

The morning of the rehearsal dinner, Hermione woke feeling nervous. They had been excused from their schoolwork for the week of the wedding. The Headmaster thought they needed time to get ready for the wedding and then gave them a few days for their 'honeymoon'.

"Hermione, we have a lot to do to get ready for tonight. We need to oversee the decorations and the caterers."

I looked over at Draco as I stood up off the bed and nodded, "Of course. What is going to be expected of me tonight? I'm not pureblood. I'm not refined or know how I should act around these people." He walked over, took my hands and sat me down on the bed. "With events like this you have to be polite but don't be afraid to be witty with your comments if needed. It will be mainly purebloods so they will try their hardest to insult you and get you on your toes."

I nodded, "Okay." He went to the closet and pulled out some clothes for him and set them on the bed before he went to my side of the closet. "I want you to wear this tonight. Right now it doesn't matter since we'll be getting things ready but when you get ready you need to look the part. When we enter; keep your head up and try to pretend you're pleased to be there."

He set a box on the bed and I decided to wait to look at it. We got dressed and headed down to the Great Hall. Everyone was going to eat breakfast there but they were going to eat lunch in the courtyard and dinner in their common rooms. Ron still wasn't talking to me and since he was sitting with Harry, I knew that I wouldn't be able to ask Harry anything.

I saw Ginny sitting a few seats down and she waved me over. As soon as I sat down she started into a giant monologue. "Okay, so we have everything that was supposed to be delivered. It's all in the room behind the teachers table, so all we have to do it wait for everyone to get to class and we can set up." I nodded, trying to keep up with her orders.

"Breathe Gin, don't give yourself a panic attack or anything." She took a drink of pumpkin juice and looked over at the Slytherin table. "Okay fine."

"Thank you. Just give me the rest of breakfast without the talk of the rehearsal or the wedding. I know I chose to move the date up, but I had my reasons." She nodded, "He was an idiot to treat you like that. My mother would have grounded him for the rest of his life if she had heard even a fraction of what he said."

As soon as breakfast was done and everyone was dismissed to their classes, it was time to start decorating the Great Hall for the Wedding Rehearsal. Everything was put together quickly, far more quickly than Hermione ever imagined.

As soon as the decorations were in place and the menu was double checked, the girls went to Hermiones room to get ready. "Guys the dinner isn't for three hours. Why are we getting ready now?" Pansy looked over and rolled her eyes. "Because you need to bathe and then we're giving you a complete makeover. Hair, makeup, nails, and then getting you into your dress. It is expected to take a while for us to get ready because everything must be perfect. They is the only way you'll make it through the night in one piece."

I nodded and let them shuffle me into the bathroom where there was a bath ready; no doubt courtesy of a house elf. I thought they would let me be alone but I was wrong. Astoria stayed in there with me to help wash my hair. "Try not to look nervous tonight. It might be full of Slytherin purebloods but act like you belong. Don't let them insult you; if they do try to stay calm and try to be polite but don't be scared to give them hidden insults back." I nodded and tried to finish my bath as quickly as possible.

When I was done, we went into the bedroom and they started on my nails and hair. They painted my nails red, which was surprising to me, and started brushing my hair.

As soon as they were done, they had me put on lingerie and then I stepped into the dress. It was long and black, very elegant looking. They showed me myself in the mirror and I could hardly recognize myself.

"Okay. We'll be going down soon. You just need to remember; hold your head up like you belong there. You need to radiate importance to everyone there." I nodded to Pansy and then took a deep breath as we headed out the door.

I was met at the doors to the Great Hall by Draco. He held his arm out and I took it as if it was my only lifeline to keep myself from drowning. I looked over at him, nodding, letting him know I was ready. "Let's get this over and done with." It almost seemed like he was saying that more for his sake than mine. The doors opened and there was a giant crowd of people looking towards us. We walked in and the doors closed.

The first hour was spent being introduced to various family and friends of Dracos. Some of them were more accepting than others while some looked down their noses at me as if I was a disgusting bug. The dancing started after the food was served and eaten.

Draco came over to me, seperating himself from what looked to be an intense conversation with his mother and father. "Is everything okay?" He glanced over at his parents and looked back at me, "Everything's fine; my father was just reminding me of the prerequisites of the marriage law. The one that involves our lineage." I bit my lip, looking down for a moment. "Ahh, I see. I'm guessing he's talking about how I'm tainting your bloodline with my blood." He stayed quiet, pondering my words. "He actually told me it would be advisable to try for a boy for our first child."

"First child? How many does he think we're going to have?" He shrugged, "I think he wants as many as we'll have. It's not like we can't afford it." I didn't know what to say but just as I was about to respond, his father walked up to us. "Draco may I have a dance with your fiance? We should have a talk since we'll be family soon." He seemed sincere with he said that but I couldn't help but feel uneasy. Draco nodded and handed me over to his father.

"Well Miss Granger looks like after tomorrow we'll be considered family by law. As a Malfoy bride to be you will have expectations placed upon you. Bear an heir worthy of our line; well as good as you can considering who you are. At least the child in question should be talented with knowledge." I didn't know what to say to that. I decided to stay silent and not respond, even though he was trying to discreetly insult me. It didn't seem like he was really trying though and I was suspicious of all the Malfoy (especially Lucius)

The dance ended and I walked over to sit down. Draco came over and sat next to me. "We can leave now. We have a long day ahead of us." I nodded and we headed to our rooms. I got dressed for bed and when I went in the room Draco was grabbing a change pf clothes. "It's tradition to not spend the night before the wedding together. I'll be in the Slytherin common room tonight. I'll see you at the altar." I smiled and nodded
When he was gone, I layed down on the bed, falling asleep thinking of what awaited me the next day.

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