Chapter Twelve

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A/N OK so I've had a crazy last few weeks. My days were cut back to Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Sometimes the occasional Saturday. That wasn't the crazy part though. Almost four weeks ago I found out I was 11 weeks pregnant, now somewhere around 14 weeks along. It was unexpected and unplanned but my boyfriend and I are happy about it. Took a while to get past being freaked out, but the second I saw the baby and the heartbeat on the ultrasound I couldn't help but feel excited about having a baby.

Here's a short update for now.

Hermiones' POV

Ron and Malfoy stood there like that for what seemed like the longest time. Ron was looking at him shocked that he reffered to me as his fiancee. "Let her go." Ron glanced over at me glaring and shoved me back. Malfoy punched Ron and stood over him as Ron tried to compose himself and stand up. "Touch her again and you'll be sorry."

Ron stood up and went towards him, "Mr. Weasley. That is quite enough." He stopped and turned, facing Professor McGonagall. "What is the meaning of this display of violence?" Ron stayed quiet and looked down. "Well!"

Malfoy looked at her, "He didn't agree with Hermione going along with the marriage law instead of fighting it every step of the way." McGonagall looked from me to Ron, "Is that it Mr. Weasley?" He nodded and it was obvious it was forced. "Very well then; you will have detention for a month with Mr Filch starting tonight. If I find you causing any more trouble, you will wish you hadn't." He nodded and she walked away.

Ron glared at me, turned and left. I looked at Malfoy, "Thank you." He nodded, "It was the right thing to do. Whether we like it or not we are engaged and it's my job to make sure no-one hurts you or disrespects you." I smiled at him, "Be careful, people may think you've gone soft."

He smirked, "There's no chance of that." I chuckled in my head, "we'll see about that Draco." The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. "We should go; we have that damned class to get to." I groaned, "Where's a puking pastille when you need one." He looked at me confused, "It's a candy Fred and George are developing to play pranks on people and get out of class." He nodded, obviously still confused.

We got to the class and sat down at our table. "This is such a monumental waste of time." He nodded, "You can say that again." The rest of the students filed in and I looked around. How can they expect us to get married and have kids at this age of our life? The majority of us are 15-16 years old. Have we gone back in time that much? In the muggle world ages ago they would marry off girls as young as 11 to people twice their age. I know that wizards come of age at seventeen but this law is barbaric; the exact thing we can all expect of Death Eaters to support. The time turner made me age faster so in reality I'm almost 17.

The class was all seated so the teacher stood up and went to the front. "OK, today I want you all to start discussing your upcoming weddings; dates, venues and details. I'll hand out papers for you to go through and that can help you come up with ideas." I looked over at Draco and he rolled his eyes. The papers landed on our table and we flipped through them. It was like a how to for morons guide for planning a wedding.

"When should we get this over and done with?" I looked over at Draco, "I have no idea. We have to do this whether we like it or not so the sooner the better I guess." He nodded and looked at the calendar. How about in a month and a half?" I nodded, "Whenever is fine. Where?"

"How about by the lake?" I nodded, "Sure that sounds fine."

The entire class we spent trying to work out details of the wedding and just going with the bare minimum. We both agreed that having something elaborate would just be giving in to their marriage law as if we fully agree to it. Once class let out we grabbed the papers and I went to go back to our room. I passed Ron and Harry on the way there and didn't say a word to either of them.

Dracos POV

We got out of the class and I went to go find Pansy and Blaise. They had headed toward to courtyard and I found them sitting under a tree on a bench. "How did the class go for you?" They looked up and shrugged, "The usual bs. How about you? It seemed like your making progress with Granger."

I nodded, "Yeah, especially after Weaselbee's mistake earlier she's trusting me more. Soon enough I'll have her wrapped around my finger and our plan will be almost complete. My father will be pleased if you can get the message to him. I don't need her finding out I'm using her before I can finish my task." They nodded and I went to my room.


Third Person POV

If any of them had been paying close enough attention they would have realized that Luna had heard the entire conversation.

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