Chapter Twenty

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A/N I know it's a big time skip but this is where my brain moved to. I know I'm taking a long time in between update. I have a Beta reader now so maybe I'll be able to make a decent writing schedule and keep to it this time. I'm working on the next chapter right now. I also have a Snamione story I'm working on which will be uploaded as soon as I have a few more chapters written.

On a personal note since I'm giddy about it; I'm 18 weeks along now and my husband and I found out what the sex of the baby is. I'll reveal it with the next chapter but if anyone wants to guess feel free. I know it's silly lol but I'm a silly and weird person :P

It had been a couple months since Draco and Hermione had been forced to marry and tensions were running high from the orders he was supposed to follow. As part of the marriage law, they had appointments to see when, if, she got pregnant.

Dracos POV

I walked into the hospital wing to meet up with Hermione for the weekly check-up. She was sitting on the bed and looked over at me when I walked in. As soon as I got there, Madam Pompfrey walked over to us. "Okay Miss Granger, lay down on the bed and lift your shirt." She did as asked and I sat down in the chair next to her bed. She reached her hand out and I grasped it without delay.

Madam Pompfrey waved her wand over her stomach, doing diagnostic and some other spells. "Okay, everything is looking good with your vitals and everything. Now time for the pregnancy and fertility test." I sighed and nodded. She moved her wand over her more and after a moment the tip of her wand glowed. I saw Hermione look at me with a look of concern. "What does that mean?"

Madam Pompfrey looked at her and gave a weak smile. "It means you're pregnant Mrs. Malfoy." I could feel the color drain out of my face. I could barely focus on what she was saying to Hermione about vitamins and such to make sure the baby was healthy. As soon as she was done, I got up and thanked her for her time and helped Hermione to her feet. I led her back to our rooms and I sat down.

"Draco are you alright?" I looked out the window we had and stayed silent. I can't go along with this plan anymore. The only way they're going to survive is if I get them out of here.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I knew this was going to happen with the law but I just didn't think it would happen this soon." She nodded and looked down at her hands. "Me too. I'm nervous Draco and scared."

I grabbed her hands and looked in her eyes. "I promise you; everything is going to be okay. I will make sure of it. I'll be back in a bit. There's something I need to take care of." I went down to Theo and Pansys room. "Hey Draco, what do you need?" I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Is Pansy here?"

He shook his head, "Nah, she's out with Astoria talking about baby stuff. Why what did you need her for?" 

"I didn't need her; I need to talk to you without her overhearing." He grabbed some tea and handed me a cup, "Okay so what is this about?" How the Hell am I supposed to do this? Fuck it I'll just coe out with it. "I know you don't agree with the Dark Lord about muggleborns." He looked worried for a moment and then composed himself. "What do you mean? I'm a pureblood dude. Why would I disagree with Him?" 

"Please, I need your help. I can't do as I've been told; I can't turn her over to them." HE sat up straighter, "What do you mean? Are you in love with Hermione?" I nodded, "Yes, but that's not the only reason." 

"Why would you think I could help you? WHy shouldn't I just turn you both over to him?" I stood and started pacing, "She's pregnant." 

The only sound was the clatter of his teacup falling to the ground. Almost immediately he snapped out of it and went into his room and came out with a bag. "We have work to do."

Hermione's POV

After Draco left the room, I went to go talk to Ginny. It took a while to find her, but I eventually found her by the lake. "Hey Hermione, how are you doing?" I shrugged and sat down, "As well as could be expected. How are you holding up?"

"Could be better, that's for sure. I knew that Harry was going to be matched with someone else but it's still taking some getting used to. I use to fantasize about marrying him and having bunch of kids together. Now I know that will never happen and it's hard." She looked down at her hands and then at me, "You seem like there's something on your mind and since you're here and not talking to Harry and Ron, it must have something to do with your husband. Am I right or wrong?"

"You're right; I didn't think that they would be the most level-headed to talk to right now. Especially with what I need to talk about, anyway. We had an appointment to see about fertility and pregnancy today." I saw her look away from the lake and over at me, her eyes wide. "You're not pregnant are you?" I nodded my head and sighed, "I knew this was going to happen sooner or later with them not allowing any form of contraceptive, I just didn't think it would happen this soon. I mean what am I going to do Ginny? I have to try and focus on my studies and get ready for my O.W.L.S at the same time. How do they expect all of us to start a family and still finish our education?"

She shrugged, "I'm not sure; the law is horrendous and my dad says that everyone is pretty sure that the death eaters are behind the whole damn thing. Right now though, the one thing you should focus on is staying healthy and taking care of you and that baby." I nodded and looked up at the sky, "It's getting dark, we should get inside." She nodded and stood up, offering me her hand to help me up. Once we got back inside, we decided to go to my rooms to relax before dinner. As soon as we got inside, we saw Draco and Theo sitting on the couch in silence.

Ginny looked over at Theo and Draco and raised her eyebrows, "Well don't you two look cuddly and such." Theo stood up and walked over to her, "It's time Ginny."

I looked over at them confused, "Ginny, what does he mean; 'It's time?" She looked at him with her eyes wide, "You're sure? There's no way to postpone it?" He shook his head, "I'm afraid not; we can't postpone it any longer. Can you make the preparations while we get everything ready?" She nodded and turned to me, "Theo will explain everything, I promise. I'll be back as soon as I can." She left the room and I looked over at the two Slytherins that remained. "Does someone want to tell me what the Hell is going on?"

"You're going to want to sit down." Draco led me to the couch and we sat down. "What is going on?" He looked over at Theo and when he nodded Draco started speaking. "When we got matched, I was furious and when my parents came I tried to get them to undo it. They said that they couldn't because the ministry was under orders to make sure we were matched together."

"But why would they be under orders to match us together?" He sighed, "Because the Dark Lord wanted it done. He knows that you are the brains of the three of you and he hoped that once we were married that it would create a rift between all of you. I was under orders to get you pregnant as soon as possible so that my parents would have leverage over you to make sure you do as you're told. They ordered me to place a spell on the ring so that I could track you down if you ever left. Even then I knew that I couldn't do it, so I made sure it didn't work. With you being pregnant, that places a target on the three of you. As soon as they find out, they're going to request that you be removed to Malfoy Manor until the bay is born and have you do your schooling from there. We need to get you somewhere secret and safe before that happens. I know that it is a lot to take in but I need you to pack what you need and as soon as we hear word, we're getting you out of here."

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