Chapter Twenty-Three

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Hermione's POV

It took a few days to get a plan set and after all was ready, all I could do was sit and wait for the news of a win or a loss. The suspense was killing me and it was all I could do to stop from going there and trying to help if I could. I stopped my pacing as the sound of a crack came from downstairs. I raced downstairs and was shocked at the sight in front of me.

Dumbledore was standing next to Theodore Nott who was covered in bruises and cuts. Pansy was being supported by Narcissa Malfoy who looked worse than Theodore. Without thinking I ran forward and grabbed Pansys other arm and looked over at Theo, "We need to get her to my room, now." He nodded and picked her up, I went ahead of him and opened the door so he could la he on the bed. "Go downstairs and get some warm water and rags." He nodded and did as I asked.

"Is the water really necessary?" I didn't look over my shoulder, "Not really, but I don't think she'd want him to see her like this." I heard the hum of an agreement and then nothing. I ran my wand over her, diagnostic spells spinning through the air so I could see exactly what was wrong. She had several cracked ribs, a concussion, and a fractured wrist. After doing one more spell, I grabbed some potions out of my bag.

"Isn't that potion to protect a fetus? Why would you have that?" I opened Pansys mouth slightly to pour the potion in. "In case I needed it. I brewed as many potions as I could after we got here as a precaution. This one was before I was told that I would not be allowed to go take care of any missions."

"Your pregnant then?" I nodded, looking over at her for a moment, "Yes, I am." I saw a small smile appear on her lips for a brief second. A few minutes later, Pansy was healed and I magicked her into some pajamas. Theo came back with the water and so he didn't know it was an excuse to get him out of the room, I used it to clean her face.

"Sit down." He did as I asked and within a few moment, he was clear of blood and wounds. "Are you okay?" I looked over to Mrs. Malfoy who nodded, "Yes, Theo shielded the both of us as best as he could."

"We should let her rest." They nodded and we went downstairs to the kitchen. I got some tea for us and sat down, "What happened?"

"We received word that my sisters vault had been broken into. The Dark Lord was upset as we knew he would be when we heard the news. He had us brought into the drawing room and started questioning us. He knew that all of you had left the school and that Draco was with you. He started torturing my husband so we would speak. Pansy told him that we had no idea why Draco would betray us; that as far as she knew, he was loyal. I thought that would convince him."

I nodded and looked at Theo, "Why didn't he believe it? Where's your husband?" Narcissa looked down at her hands. "We don't know where Mr. Malfoy is." I looked at Theo and nodded; he took another drink and then looked back at me. "He had a spy in Hogwarts that even we didn't know about. She saw us with Draco the day you guys left and knew we were involved with you guys leaving. Stupid Gryffindor bitch fooled us all."

"Gryffindor? Who was it?" He shrugged, "Some chick named Patricia." I spit out my tea, "Patricia!? She was in my dorm with me before we were moved to the other room after the law was in place. She had been spying on me the whole time? I would talk to her in class all the time and we studied together."

He nodded, "Yeah, basically the asshole wanted a backup plan in case something happened. I would have commended him for the ingenuity of it; you know if he wasn't a murderous lunatic." I nodded, getting up to refill my cup of tea and then sitting down. "Did you hear if they got out of the vault or not?"

They shook their heads, "No. We were only told that they had gotten in, not what happened after. Other than that, we only know that he sent reinforcements to the bank."

"So all we can do is sit and wait?" They nodded. I went upstairs to check on Pansy and she was still sleeping.

Dracos POV

We got out of the bank by sheer luck. The charms that were added to the vault made it almost damn near impossible to get the cup out. I hated having to lie to Hermione but, if she knew what the plan really was, she would have not let us go.

"Draco, are you sure it will be here?" I nodded, "Yeah. I saw it when I would hide out in here. It's just past this cabinet up on the left. As soon as we get it, we can destroy what we have. It was only sheer luck that your godfathers house elf had the locket."

"Tell me about it. Can you imagine what we would have had to do if someone else had gotten a hold of it?" We got to the bust where the diadem was and grabbed it. As soon as we had it in our hands, I puled out the basilisk fang and handed it to Harry. He stabbed it and a dark scream filled the room. "Now the only one left is the snake and to face him." I looked at him and nodded, unsure about him having to face the monster who darkened the halls of Malfoy Manor and who forced me to marry someone I was supposed to torment. 

We were about to leave when a laugh rang out across the room. "Harry Potter; I knew I would find you here." Turning around I saw the face of the one person I never wanted to face ever again. Lord Voldemort. "Hello Tom, fancy seeing you here." He turned to Ron, "Get the snake."

He nodded and I knew what I had to do. "Now!" We all separated, running down different aisles while Voldemort ran after Harry. I got out of the room of requirement and went to the headmasters office. As soon as I got passed the gargoyle, I went to find the one thing, that would help against the snake. The sword of Gryffindor. 

A/N I'm having some issues with my laptop so I'll have to take it in to get it looked at. It might be a little while before I can write.

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