Chapter Seventeen

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A/N; Pic above is of Hermiones wedding dress. My little one is finally asleep so I got a chapter done. Sorry it took this long, it seems that I never have time when I know what to write. When I do have time, I don't have any ideas. 

Third Person P.O.V

When Hermione finally woke up, she was moving carefully as if she was afraid to make a bad move. Looking at the clock she saw it was 8 o'clock in the morning and the ceremony was scheduled to start in three hours. She went to the closet and saw her wedding dress had been hung up by a house elf in the night and her shoes were on the floor right by it. She went to stand in front of it, ran her hand over the soft material, before pulling her hand back quickly as though it burned to the touch. 

Hermiones P.O.V 

I took a deep breath as I stepped back from the dress, heading into the bathroom to draw myself a bath. After soaking for a bit; I started washing up, knowing that I had to be getting dressed soon. How can I do this?  I know I  shouldn't feel anything for Draco but I can't help feeling something for him. What is it about this wedding that changed how I see him? Is it the way he treats me as if I was his equal? Or is it that he makes me feel as if I matter more than Ron made me feel. 

The door opened pulling me out of my thoughts. "Are you almost done Mione? You need to get dressed soon and we have to do your make-up and hair." I looked over at Ginny and nodded, "Yeah, I'm done." I stood up and she handed me a towel and a robe.

I used the towel to get the water out of my dripping hair and dry off before using magic to dry my hair fully. She helped me into my undergarments and then I put on the robe. "Let's get your hair and make-up done first and then we'll help you put your dress on." I nodded as we went to sit down at the vanity.

Pansy and Astoria came inside and they worked on my hair while Ginny did my make-up. After they were finished, I sat waiting while they got dressed. "Okay; time to get your dress on Mione." 

I stood up and removed the robe while they took the dress off the hanger. I stepped in the dress and they pulled it up, buttoning it in the back. I looked at myself in the mirror, not recognizing myself at all. They put my hair up into a bun with a few strands let loose on either side of my face. My make-up was very natural looking; not too overwhelming. I was glad that Ginny didn't go overboard on it at all; she knows that I don't look good with too much make-up on. 

After what seemed like a short period of time, we were heading down to the entrance to the Great Hall. My parents weren't allowed to attend the wedding since they're muggles. I didn't even see the point of telling them what was happening; I knew that they would not respond well. Since there's nothing that can be done to change what has to happen, I didn't want to involve them. I couldn't stand the thought of seeing the disappointment in their eyes when they find out I chose to go through with the wedding instead of giving up my magic. 

I stood at the doors to the Great Hall with Ginny, Pansy, and Astoria. We were waiting for the guys to get there that are going to walk the girls down the aisle ahead of me. Once they got there, Ginny was paired up with Blaise, Pansy was paired with Theodore, and Astoria was paired with Goyle. Since my father couldn't walk me down the aisle, Professor Dumbledore took that role. 

We stepped to the side as the doors opened so I wasn't seen just yet. Ginny started down the isle followed by Astoria and then Pansy. The wedding march started and I took a deep breath. "Ready Miss Granger?" I nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be Headmaster." He nodded and led me to the entrance and we started down the aisle. I kept my eyes forward, not wanting to look at any of the people that were invited to see us marry. I glanced over at Draco and was shocked that his eyes were on me; he almost looked shocked by how I looked. 

As soon as we got to the end of the aisle, Dumbledore took my hand and placed it in Dracos hand. He led me to the officiant and the ceremony started. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here today to join these two young people in matrimony. If there are no objections, we will get on with the ceremony." He waited for a minute and then looked at Draco. "You have the rings?"

He nodded and pulled them out. He handed me his and he held my left hand. "Repeat after me. I Draco Lucius Malfoy take thee Hermione Jean Granger to be my wife in life and death, in sickness and in health for as long as I live."

Draco repeated it as he out the ring on my finger. It glowed and then returned to normal. The officiant turned to me and I repeated after him. "I Hermione Jean Granger take thee Draco Lucius Malfoy to be my husband in life and death, in sickness and in health for as long as I live." I placed his ring on his finger and just like mine, it glowed for a second before returning to normal. 

He had us hold hands and held his wand over them while whispering an incantation. A thin rope slithered over our hands, binding them together. He looked at me and smiled. 

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." I looked at Draco and he put his hand on the back of my neck. He pulled me closer to him and moved closer to me at the same time. I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine. 

His lips were softer than I thought they'd be. I couldn't help but like how his lips felt against mine. He pulled away and smirked at me, "Liked my skills?" He said quietly. I blushed and looked down. He pulled my arm through his and led me down the aisle. After we got to the middle of the room, everyone stood and the chairs magically moved to surround the tables that appeared. He led me to the table at the front of the room, pulling out my chair for me. 

"Was it everything you thought it'd be?" I shrugged, "I wish my parents could have been here, but I suppose that it's better that they don't know any  of this." He nodded, "Yeah, a law like this would be difficult to explain to them. But I can understand why you"d want to let them know about you being married now." 

Food appeared in front of us and we started eating. "How long do we have to be here?" He shrugged, "We can leave after our dance."

"Dance?" I looked at him nervously. "I don't dance well enough for pureblood standards." He put his hand over mine, "You'll be fine, just follow my lead and don't worry what they think." I nodded and smiled. "Okay." 

After we had eaten, the music changed and Draco stood up. He held his hand out and I grabbed it. He led me to the dance floor and placed his hand on my waist as I placed my other hand on his shoulder. I looked into his eyes as he started leading me in a waltz. 

How can I feel like I do towards someone who always made me feel nothing but hatred? I never thought I'd be standing here, not wanting to be anywhere else. I know that this Law was the result of something bad but maybe this is a good thing. At least I know that Ginny will stand by me through this whole thing. I can't be too sure about Harry but he has to understand. Tonight is the start of the rest of my life.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts as I remembered one little fact... We still have to consummate the marriage.

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