Chapter Eleven

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A/N; Ok here's a longer than usual update for ya. I've been working a lot lately but a couple weeks ago I groomed a husky that was freaking Cujo and hurt my knee. I had originally hurt my knee in 2013 when I was a senior during cross country practice. It would hurt occasionally when it was cold but after that husky, it hurts every day. I stepped out of the grooming truck today and my knee gave out on me. So I have to take it easy for the next few days, boss's orders lol, so I should be writing more hopefully. Ok well enough about me, to the story....

Draco's POV

After leaving Granger to walk to her table, I sat down at the Slytherin table with Blaise and Pansy. "What are you up to?" I took a drink of pumpkin juice and grabbed a plate of food. "I'm doing what I've been ordered to do."

"Meaning what?" I looked at Blaise, he was raising his eyebrows and looking at me intently. "My parents came and told me the He was behind the marriage law. He needs me to get close to her and find Potters weaknesses. As soon as this is all over, He will overturn the marriage." He nodded and Pansy looked at me with disgust etched on her face. "But the marriage law says that you have to have a kid with her. How will that factor in?"

"I will do as I am commanded to do. It will be no different than now except I will have to earn her trust as best as I can. I need to get her to open up to me and get the information He needs and turn her against her friends." I took a few bites of food and Pansy and Blaise looked as if deep in thought. "Ok, if this is what He wants then we'll help you try to get her to trust you."

I looked at Pansy, completely shocked at her words. She was the last person I expected to offer her help in this. I nodded, "First thing first, I need to pick out a ring for her. I was able to get her to open up to me about simple things for now but I need to try and get her to the point where she will tell me the same things she tells her friends."

"We should have a Hogsmeade trip soon and if not I have some magazines I can look through with you and you can pick something out and order something for her." I nodded and went back to my food. A few minutes later the bell rang signaling time for us to get to class.

"We have DADA with Gryffindor right?" I sighed and nodded.

DADA was very dull, we spent the entire time reading a damn book that looks like it's for kids who want to read up on DADA before they start here. Potter argued with the ministry hag and got landed in detention. The rest of that day, we didn't really have classes with the Gryffindors. So the next time I saw Granger was at lunch.

"Looks like Granger and Weasel are having another argument." I looked up from my food and saw they were having what looked to be a heated discussion.

Hermione's POV

I sat at the Gryffindor table waiting for Harry and unfortunately Ron with Ginny. "I just don't understand why he can't see why I just can't give up my magic and leave all this and you behind. My magic is part of who I am and I can't just give it up, it would be like losing part of me." She nodded, "Yeah, he's being an arse over this marriage law. You have no more choice than he does."

I sighed and moved my food around on my plate with my fork, barely eating much. "We have one of the classes today that's supposed to help us get used to the law. I don't see how you can help someone get used to the idea of having to marry someone without it being your choice."

"Well some people seem to be ok with it more than the rest of us." I turned my head and saw Ron standing there with a look of disgust on his face. I scoffed, "Well some of us are trying to make the best of a bad situation."

He scoffed,"Yeah right, you and the ferret seemed to be getting along quite well earlier." I looked at him, "What does that have to do with anything? We don't have a choice in the matter and it's better to try and at least reach an understanding than to spend the entire length of this law hating each others guts."

He sat down and started shoveling food in his mouth at an almost abnormal pace. "Why don't you try swallowing the food in your mouth before shoveling more in there before you choke?" He looked over at Ginny and shrugged.

"I have as much choice in this as you and everyone else here. Why shouldn't I try to as least call a truce with him so we don't have to go at each others throats the entire time?"

"Maybe because he's the enemy, his entire family are death eaters and that's exactly what he's going to be." I scoffed at him, "Stop Ronald, just because his father was one doesn't mean that he will be one. So why don't you get off that pedestal of yours and shut up." He glared at me; Harry tried to get him to calm down but he wouldn't listen to him. "When will you realize that he's not any good or do you like that? Are you going to get the mark alongside him? You'll be turning against your own kind of you go along with this farce."

"What is that supposed to mean, and what are you going to do? Are you going to give up your magic or are you going to marry Lavender?" He narrowed his eyes, "The minute you marry him you'll be one of them and you'll be as bad as them to muggles. As for my match with Lavender, that's none of your business."

"As is my life to you, none of my decisions are your business. If you have a problem with it then you can go to Hell for all I care. If you were my friend you'd stand by me and try to come to terms with it."

He didn't say anything for the longest time. "I guess that's your answer then, we aren't friends I suppose." He looked at me and glared, "We weren't friends from the minute you got matched with the enemy."

I looked at him fighting back tears, "You can go fuck yourself Ronald Weasley. You can do your own damn homework, fail all of your classes, and make your own damned potions from now on. You are nothing to me now."

I stood up ad walked away heading to the doors of the Great Hall. I felt someone grab my arm and turn my around roughly. I looked at Ron, "What!?" He tightened his grip on my arm to the point where it hurt painfully. "You are nothing more than a stupid loner, who thinks she's better than everyone else. Your a pathetic bitch." I scoffed at him, "That's rich for someone who's marrying someone that's slept with half our year." He pulled his hand back and when he brought it down to slap me, I flinched waiting for the blow. After a few seconds, I didn't feel anything and looked to see Malfoy gripping Rons arm so he couldn't follow through with the blow.

"Don't even think about it Weaselbee." Malfoy fixed Ron with a glare so strong that if it was possible, he would have been six feet under. Ron paled for a moment and then recovered, "This has nothing to do with you Malfoy."

"Actually it does seeing as how that's my fiancee your hurting."

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