Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N; Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer. I was bored and just sitting around watching Supernatural and eating Banana laffy taffy (my newest craving with my son). 

Anyway, my weird brain started thinking of an idea for another Dramione fanfic after watching a movie. It's going to be a slightly A/U Harry Potter but it's going to be about a pregnancy pact at Hogwarts. I looked on here and couldn't find many stories like that. I will still be continuing Marriage Law as my main fanfic. I just want to get a few chapters written of the new one before it is uploaded. 

Hermione's POV

"Hermione, we need you down here!" I got up off the bed and ran downstairs to see Harry and Ron standing there. "What's going on?" They looked at each other and Harry smiled, "We know how to beat him."

I looked over at them and furrowed my brows. "What do you mean? How?" They grabbed my hands and took me into the library; for some reason there was a white board and markers there. "Okay so everyone knows that he was in search of immortality right?" I nodded, "Yeah, he wanted to make sure that he could obtain as much power as he could to wipe out 'impure' blood from our world." Harry picked up a marker.

"Dumbledore finally got an old Professor to tell him that Riddle asked him about horcruxes. Basically they're objects that can be used to hold a piece of your soul. And with a part of your soul not in your body, you can never fully die. Even if your body is destroyed, part of you is alive in these objects."

"Do we know if he was successful in it?" He put his head down for a moment and then nodded, "Yes he was. From what we know he made seven of them; Dumbledore said that there is a connection to Hogwarts. The diary that possessed Ginny was one and I destroyed that one, he said that he found a ring and it has been destroyed. The other five are speculation right now from an inside source."

"What source?" I looked over at Harry, "That I can't say right now in case any of us are caught. But from what we've been told; there is a cup that belonged to Helga Hufflepuff, A locket that belonged to his mother who was a descendant of Slytherin, A diadem from Rowena Ravenclaw. His snake is one for sure but the last one Dumbledore said he needs more time to discover." I nodded, "Okay, how do we destroy them?"

He reached down and picked up a bag and opened it, taking out one of the objects inside. "Is that a basilisk fang?" He nodded, "Yeah, it is. For some reason basilisk venom can destroy them. We need to locate them as soon as possible and destroy them. He knows we're gone and he's planning an attack on Hogwarts in two weeks."

I looked over at Draco, "Had you heard anything about any of these objects?" He shook his head, "No, not those objects specifically but I overheard my father talking with my aunt. He had her place something inside her vault at Gringotts and it was so important that he was sending a small army to make sure it got there."

"That was probably one of them. At least we know where to start but how do we get in?" They looked at me, "What?" Draco and Harry exchanged looks and Draco sat down next to me, "You're not going. I know that your first instinct is to go with them and make sure nothing goes wrong but you have to keep you and our child safe." I opened my mouth to object and then closed it in defeat, knowing there was nothing I could say to make them change their minds. "Fine but just because I'm not going doesn't mean I'm staying out of all of the details."

They looked at me and I crossed my arms across my chest, "Try arguing and see what I do." Harry held his hands up in defeat. "Okay. Well, lets get started then." 

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