Chapter Nine

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A/N: Ok a short chapter for now. I had to run errands but I will be continuing to work on another chapter. I want to try to upload at least a chapter a day or on occasion two chapters. Please continue to vote and comment. Feel free to tell me what you would like to read about. Any different Points of View you would like. I love reading your comments so keep em coming. :)

Hermiones' POV

After Draco; wait, Malfoy, why did I call him Draco, left I had stood up and took a seat in the study looking out the window. Fifteen minutes later the door opened and Malfoy came in with a tray of food. "I wasn't sure what you like so I just brought a bit of a few things." I nodded as he set the tray down, "Thanks Malfoy." He smiled and sat down in the chair opposite me.

He grabbed a plate of chicken and mashed potatoes while I grabbed a plate of spaghetti. We ate for a few minutes until he cleared his throat. "So why did Weaselbee react the way he did?" I looked down at my hands for a moment before I responded, "I'm not sure. He's been a little off since last year at the Yule Ball. He flipped that I went with Viktor and keeps watching my every move as if I'm going to step out against them or something." He nodded and looked down, "Well if you ask me, he needs to grow up a little and stop being immature. This law is making him get married and start a family and he needs to be ready for that." I nodded but looked down sadly, "That means the same for us though; we're expected to get married and have a kid." I felt his hand cover mine, so I looked up. "I know it's scary but we have to make an effort to abide by the law. That means trying to get along or at least calling a truce."

I nodded without bothering to think it through fully. It will make things easier. "Sure. Truce." He held his hand out and I shook it. "Ok, now that we're not enemies anymore, how about we get to know each other better?" I took a drink of pumpkin juice and nodded, "Ok. What's your favorite color?"

"Blue. What's yours?"

"Red." He smirked, "Gryffindor through and through. What's your favorite subject?"

"Transfiguration, what's yours?"

"I like charms." I nodded and smiled, shocked by his answer. We sat there asking each other random questions for about an hour before he asked one I wasn't prepared for. "How many kids do you want?"

I sat there for a while before I responded, "I never really thought about it before. I guess that now I kind of should though." He nodded, "well for me I always thought I'd have two kids since I was an only child. I just never thought it would be this soon though." I nodded, "Yeah this is making us grow up really fast." I looked down at my watch and sighed, "I should get some sleep, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

He nodded and stood up; he walked with me to the room and looked at the bed. "How should we do this?" I stayed silent for a moment, "We're going to have to get used to it sometime. Just stay on your side and I'll stay on mine." He nodded but I could have sworn I saw him smile before he went into the bathroom.

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