Chapter Nineteen

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Harry looked at Ginny and me, "Hey. Do you mind if I sit?" I looked at Harry, "Of course I don't mind if you sit Harry. We're friends after all right?" He nodded, sitting down, "Right." Ron and Lavender sat down next to him. 

"How was the wedding night?" I shrugged, "It was fine; about what you would expect." He nodded, "It seemed like you were glad to get out of there. All those pureblooded Slytherins were looking at you like vultures." I smiled, "Yeah, pretty much but I don't really care. This law makes them have to deal with me being a part of their family technically as much as I have to deal with them." Ron looked over at me and snorted. I looked at him, raising my eyebrows. "Yes Ronald?" He looked at me and shook his head. "Nothing. Just was thinking about how much they must hate that." 

I shrugged, "Who cares if they do." He nodded, "Look Mione, I'm really sorry about how I've been the past couple weeks."I raised my eyebrows at him, "You were a complete asshole. Why did you think you could just treat me like that? You were supposed to be my friend." 

"I'm sorry though." I glared at him, "So your sorry now. What; does that make us friends again? Am I still a traitor to you or did you change your mind?" He stayed silent and I saw Harry look over at me, "Look Mione, he was an ass and I should have defended you to him. We were both wrong and I'm sorry for that." I didn't say anything. 

"How is he treating you?" I shrugged, "He's treating me with respect; it seems odd but he does. How are you doing with your fiancée Harry?"

Harry  looked down, "She barely speaks to me at all. We've made plans for the wedding but that's it." I looked at the Slytherin table and saw Draco over there, talking to Pansy and Blaise. They seemed to be in a very focused conversation. I saw him furrow his brows and nod, getting up and walking out of the hall. 

"Hem hem." We looked up and I barely resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Sorry Lav, I needed to make sure to apologize for my behavior." She scoffed, "Why bother? She doesn't need you to hang around her every minute of every day." I glared at her, "If he wants to sit here he can; if you don't like it too damn bad. Just because he has to marry you doesn't mean he has to do what you say." She gasped and was about to say more when Ginny spoke up. "If you want any chance of my mother liking you Lavender; I would shut up. I can either make your marriage easy for you or it can be a living Hell." She closed her mouth and sat down next to Ron. 

"Have you heard anything about Padme and Parvati?" I looked at Harry and shrugged, "Last I heard, their parent removed them to try and find a way around the marriage law. They were supposed to either try and find someone for them to marry that the Ministry would choose for them. I hope they did but hopefully we'll see them soon." 

I looked down the table and saw Patricia look away as if she had been looking at us. I don't know what it is with her, but I don't trust her. The timing of her transfer and being moved into our dorm seemed to be too much of a coincidence. 

Dracos POV

When I woke up, I saw her curled up on her side still asleep. The moments from yesterday played in my head and I couldn't help but smile at them. This marriage law, though a major inconvenience, might have been the best thing to happen to many of us. As far as my friends were concerned however, this marriage will end as soon as she has served her use to the Lord. 

I got out of bed and jumped in the shower so I could report to everyone. After I was done, I grabbed my bag and went out of our rooms. 

Down in the Great Hall, I saw Pansy and Blaise sitting at the table off by themselves. I sat down and they stopped their conversation. Blaise smirked at me, "How was the wedding night?" I rolled my eyes, "It was my wedding night, how do you think it went?" He chuckled until Pansy smacked him. "Stop being immature, you know the plan. Draco needs to knock up the Golden girl so we can manipulate her. The second she's pregnant, you know Weasel won't want anything to do with her and Potter will choose him every time."

"I know that already. Haven't you questioned why they want us to do this? Maybe we have the wrong idea about them. Granger isn't so bad and what's going to happen to any baby she has. It will be a half blood and you know my father will lock it up." 

Pansy raised her eyebrows at me, "Look, the plan may not be perfect but we have no choice but to listen. Any child you have with her will be cared for to your requests. It will be your child and you can do with it as you please." I nodded and stood up, "I should get started on the next part of the plan." I walked out of the Great Hall without eating anything. There has to be a way to figure out a middle ground. I can't keep following orders blindly. 

A/N I know you've all been waiting for this update for a long time. I really need to try to put aside more time to write ow I have more time on my hands. I just found out that I am expecting my second baby and my doctor said I couldn't lift more than 10lbs which is a limit on my job. So my doc is putting me on disability and I have to spend the rest of the pregnancy at home. This is going to be a very long pregnancy since I'm 11 weeks along.

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