Chapter Thirteen

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A/N; OK so I finally got my computer so I can start writing again. I am very excited to start on my fan fictions again. As well as this one I am working on a Snamione story which I will wait until I have a few chapters to update but this one will take priority over the new one. I am thinking that I should get someone to Beta read my chapters as I go to help me with ideas and also to make sure I stick to my writing schedule. Since I don't have my job anymore or have anything to do aside from get the room ready for the baby, I have no excuse to not write. But for now it's time to sit my butt down with my fav pregnancy craving; red vines dipped in tostitos cheese salsa dip and pickles, and write. :D

Hermione's POV 

After Ron's stupid display after breakfast, I hadn't talked to him. If he wants to act like I'm a traitor for going along with the marriage law, while he's going to marry someone he only dated to make me jealous, then he can walk off the Astronomy Tower for all I care. I had thought he was my friend but I suppose I was wrong. 

I sat down at my desk after I finished my homework with the newest copy of Witch Weekly open to the wedding section. I was in the middle of looking at dresses when someone knocked on our door. I sighed, standing up and went to open it. "Ginny, what are you doing here?"

She walked in and we sat down on the couch. "I know my brother is being a git and I just thought you should know that while I don't agree with this damned law, I don't think you should have to give up your magic." My eyes teared up and I nodded, trying to stifle a sob but she noticed anyway. She came over and pulled me into a hug while I cried and once I was done I chuckled grimly. "Guess neither of us ever thought you'd be comforting me on the thought of getting married." She laughed, "No. I never could have imagined this. I mean I always thought I'd end up with Harry since I've been crushing on him. I suppose that my life had other plans though. Maybe it's a good thing I'm a year too young or else I would be forced to get married young. " I nodded and looked at her, "I would rather have to go through this than you. YOu should be able to decide who you want to marry."

She stood up and walked around, looking at the rooms we were given. "So when are you going to gt married?" 

"In the next month and a half. Although with the way Ron is behaving I might just see if Draco wants to move it up just to get it over with." I heard her laugh and I looked at her; she was looking at the magazine. "What's so funny?"

"Draco huh? On a first name basis with him already?" I shrugged, "Well we are going to be forced to get married so we might as well start sometime." She nodded and sat down at the desk. "So who all is planning the wedding?" 

"Mostly just me but some details will be left up to him. I just don't know how to set up the details for me and him to go over. There's a lot to plan and it has to be fancy enough for a Malfoy wedding." She nodded, "How about I help you plan it."

"Really!? You would do that for me?" She smiled and nodded enthusiastically, "Of course. You might not be marrying my brother but you're still my sister." I smiled widely and hugged her. We started with table arrangements and flowers. From there we looked at wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses. "Who are you going to have as bridesmaids?" 

"I'm not sure; aside from you I really don't have anyone to ask." She nodded and thought for a minute. "It might seem stupid but why don't you have Malfoy ask Parkinson. She's friends with his family and a pureblood so it might get you some points for his family. Then I know Astoria Greengrass, she might be an option as well." I nodded, even though I was very skeptical. "OK, I'll have him ask her."

"Have me ask who what?" I practically jumped out of my seat and glared at Draco. "Way to scare the shit out of me." He smirked and bowed dramatically, "I do try." Ginny started laughing and he looked at her. 

"What's she-Weasel doing here?" I glared at him even more, "She's helping me to plan the wedding since you just need it to be up to your standards. Right now we're stuck on bridesmaids though. Ginny thought that your parents might like it if I have Parkinson and Astoria as bridesmaids." He stayed silent and then smiled, "I think my mother would appreciate that. Astoria can also help finalize details just in case they need to be more extravagant. Just remember price is no issue." I nodded and went back to the magazine. 

"Yo Malfoy, what color will your vest be?" He looked over at Ginny, "I'll look over some samples and let you know." She nodded, "You'll need three groomsmen if Parkinson and Astoria agree." He nodded and went to sit on the couch. 

After Ginny had left, I gathered the papers we had written on and sat down. "I was thinking..." He looked over at me, "About what?" 

"Ron is going to keep harassing us about the law and while neither of us like it, we have to go through with this." He nodded, "So what do you suggest we do?" 

"I think we should move the date up as soon as possible. As soon as it is binding there will be nothing he can do anymore." He nodded, "OK, lets do it then. How about in three weeks?" I nodded, "Three weeks."

I went to the bedroom and looked out the window, We're getting married in three weeks. I hope we can get through this with our sanity intact. 

The bell rang and I sighed, since I skipped lunch I needed to go to dinner. 

Draco looked over at me when I closed the door to our bedroom. "Are you going to dinner?" He nodded and stood up, setting his book down. "Sure, it'll give me the perfect chance to talk to Pansy, Astoria, and Blaise." I nodded and we went to the Great Hall.  I stopped just before the doors and took a deep breath. He stopped and came to stand in front of me. "Hey. No matter what Weaselbee says just remember; the law says we have to go through with this. He can either accept it and stand by you as your friend or he's not worth it." I nodded, "OK."

"Keep your head up proudly, just because you're marrying a Slytherin doesn't mean your less of a Gryffindor. Besides, you'll be spending more time with Slytherins while planning this wedding." He smirked and I rolled my eyes and walked in. I saw everyone staring at me but I kept my head up and walked to my seat next to Ginny. She looked at me, "Look who has her mojo back."

I shrugged and glanced over at Draco, who had just reached his seat, "I just needed to be reminded I never lost it." 

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