Chapter Four

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I woke up before my dorm mates, so I was able to get a shower without being rushed. I waited in the common room for Harry and Ron to come down. "Hermione, you ready to get some breakfast?" I looked up and saw Harry and Ron standing behind the couch, "Sure. Guess I got distracted."

"I think that everyone is going to be distracted today. Especially after that announcement we heard from that woman last night. I dont know how they expect this law to stay in effect. There's no way that parents will want their kids to be forced to get married." I nodded, standing up.

We walked down to the Great Hall and took a seat. Right before the end of breakfast, the headmaster stood up. "I want the fifth years and up to remain seated for instruction on the new law." Everyone traded glances and I sighed, "This is really going to be happening isn't it?" Harry looked at me sadly and nodded. Any idea how they're going to do it though?" I shrugged, "I'm not sure; I have more questions than clues. I mean, are they going to pair us up with someone in our year? What happens if we have to marry a Slytherin? "Ron paled at the thought, "Ugh, if I had to marry a snake I'd refuse. I'd rather not be a wizard."

"That would mean leaving your family though." He looked at me, "Well your a muggleborn so you can leave with me and we could get a place together." I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. After a minute I finally got my voice back. "Excuse me? I'll leave with you?" He nodded, "Yeah, we can always get married and have a bunch of kids."

Before I could say anything, the lower years left the room and Dumbledore called for our attention. "As all of you now know, you will be matched for marriage under the new marriage law. I want you all to know that I openly oppose such a law and I did try to get it thrown out. You will all receive letters that tell you who you have been matched with. You will be matched with people from your year and as such there will be different housing for you. I will explain it after you read your letters."

As if on cue, the owls flew in and went to deliver the letters to everyone. A light brown barn owl landed in front of me and held out it's leg. With trembling hands, I untied the letter from it's leg. I sat staring at it for a second. "Open it." I looked at Harry and Ron and opened the seal.

Dear Miss Granger,

I am pleased to inform you that in accordance with the new Marriage Law, you have been matched. As part of the Marriage Law, you will need to choose a wedding date for no later than three months from now. No contraception may be used to ensure that pregnancy occurs before the end of the year. Life classes will be mandatory for all students in an arranged marriage. I hope you make the most of it with your betrothed, Draco Malfoy.

Yours truly,

Malfalda Hopkirk

A/N - I know that this update has been a long time coming so I will try to update more often. I've been working more but since I got Microsoft word on my phone I've been working on updates on it. Thank you for reading and voting. Please continue to vote and comment. Thank you :)

Marriage Law - DramioneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt