Chapter Five

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A/N; Had a few minutes between appointments at work to upload this chapter. Enjoy reading and please comment and vote. :)

I looked at Harry and Ron to see that they had opened their letters as well. "Who did you get?" I looked at Harry and must have seemed to shocked to speak because he grabbed my letter. He was speechless and after a few minutes, Ron leaned over to look at it.
"Malfoy?!" I shrunk in my seat as Ron yelled out the name of the one person I never wanted to be matched with. "Ron, calm down." Harry put his hand on Ron’s shoulder but it was instantly shrugged off. "You're not marrying him; I won't let you."
I looked at him furious at both having to be faced with having to marry Malfoy and Ron acting as if he could tell me what to do. "Who did you get?" He looked at me and shrugged, "I got matched with Lavender." I scoffed, "So you got matched with someone you're ok with being with but you can tell me that I can't go through with my match because you don't want me to?" He nodded, "Yes because he's a Slytherin."
I scoffed and shook my head, “I don’t like this law any more than you do Ronald but how can you think I’d give up my magic? It’s a big part of who I am and I won’t give it up without a fight.” His demeanor changed to enraged, “Even if it means you have to marry the enemy?”
I looked away from him and looked at Harry, "Who are you matched with?"
“Cho.” Ron smirked and glanced over at her table and the looked back at Harry. “Well at least you got someone you want to be matched with." I glared at him and turned to face the front of the Great Hall.
I looked down at the envelope in front of me, worried that whoever I was matched with would be either someone I can’t tolerate or someone my parents will hate. Just as I was about to open it I heard Weaselbee shout out my name. I looked over and he was looking at Granger as if she had kicked his broom or something. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Theo and Blaise, “Who’d you get matched with?”
Blaise looked up and shrugged,” I got Astoria.”  I nodded, “Not a bad match, our Lord should be pleased.” He nodded and nudged Theo. He loomed over at us and shuddered, “Ugh, I got Pansy. Whoever matched us must be bonkers." I looked over at Pansy and chuckled, “I don’t know Theo, maybe the two of you can make the most of it. If you know what I mean." 
“Hahaha Mr. big shot, tell us who you got matched with." I shrugged and opened my letter and scanned it briefly. The smirk dropped off my face and a scowl replaced it. After a minute I spoke in a low voice. “I got Granger…”
Blaise looked at me confused, “Wait, you got Granger? Gryffindor, bushy hair, mudblood, Granger?” I nodded, “Yeah, that’s her. How could this happen? My father will hear of this and that will be the end of this stupidity.” They nodded and a few seconds before I could think of what to say next, the ministry appointed DADA teacher started speaking again.
“Now that all of you have received your matches, the transitioning period will start. Everyone will be moved into a new dormitory with your betrothed and one other couple. You will also have to take a mandatory family planning class. Your first class will be today and you will get your dorm assignments then. I know that you will come to he happy with this law.” Dumbledore stood up as soon as she sat down and approached the podium. “Try to make the most out of this and make sure you get to your classes on time.” He dismissed us and we all stood up, making our way to our first class.

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