Chapter Ten

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A/N; Ok, sorry I didn't update sooner. I had to work today and it was a very long day; multiple dog appointments and ended up getting a migraine during my 1:30 appointment. So I apologize in advance if it's not a very long chapter, if the light continues to make my migraine worse I will cut it short and go to bed. I will put a longer chapter up tomorrow. Please vote and comment, I love hearing feedback and it gives me something to look forward to while I'm working. Feel free to tell me if you want to hear a POV for a specific character or just anyone at all. Thanks :) 

Hermione's POV

I woke up with the sun shining in my face through the gap in the curtains. I felt something behind me and looked over to see Malfoy lying behind me, his arm wrapped around my waist. I gently moved his arm and got out of bed, going in the bathroom to shower. I stayed in there longer than I normally do lost in thought. Can I really do this? Can I grow to care about him for this law? I knew deep down that I could but I still wanted to be cautious about him. Harry and Ron won't like hearing that.

I got out of the shower, got dressed, and went back in the room. Malfoy was up and dressed already. "Hey. How did you sleep?"

"I slept ok. How about you?" He smiled, "I slept pretty good." I grabbed my bag and checked to see that I had everything inside for class. "Do you want to walk down to breakfast together?"

I looked over at him and agreed without thinking.

Harrys' POV

Cho and I barely said two words to each other since we were matched. She spent the entire time in our room crying herself to sleep, although it seemed like she was trying to be quiet so I wouldn't notice. I know that she was being distant and I think I know why. I was the last person to see Cedric alive and I was the one who brought his body back.

I got down to the Great Hall and found Ron brooding over his toast. "What's wrong mate?"

He shrugged his shoulders and mumbled something incoherently. I raised my eyebrows, "What was that?" He tossed his toast down in anger, "Why did she have to get matched with him. Wasn't I good enough for her to be matched with me? What makes him the same as her? Or is she the same as him?" A look of shock entered his face and I could see he was overthinking it. "Ron, stop. Your just making things seem complicated when it's not. Look at all of the matches, not all of them make a lick of sense. Look at Dean, he was matched with Parvati. He's quiet and just likes to keep to himself and his friends, not make a show of himself. While she likes to dress up and be the center of attention."

He nodded and picked up hi toast, finishing it in three bites. "Yeah maybe your right." I looked down and started to eat my food, knowing that he had some big long monologue coming. "I must have been some mistake, not all of the matches are suited for each other. I think I might have been hard on her last night. She must be miserable at having to share a dormitory with him. Can you imagine how uncomfortable that must have been or how much they hate each-"

I waited for him to finish his sentence but he didn't so I looked up to see what got him to shut up. He was staring towards the doors thin lipped and red faced. I followed his stare and saw something I could not believe. Hermione and Malfoy had walked into the great hall holding hands and talking as if they were friends. That can't be what it looks like....Can it? No it must be some fake show they're putting on to make everyone think they're accepting their fate. Yeah, that must be it.

"I cannot believe her, holding hands with that asshole. Ugh, it makes me sick." I looked over at him, fixing him with a hard look, "Ron let it go and let her tell us what it is in her own time. They might just be trying to keep up appearances for the sake of not having to deal with the damn family planning teacher butting into their lives." He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Yeah right. She thinks he's good for her, I'll show her."

"Ron what are you planning?" He stood up, "Don't worry about it. I'm just going to show her what he truly is." He left the Great Hall and a few seconds later, Hermione sat down. "where did Ron go?" I shrugged, "I'm not sure, he said something about leaving something in his room and left." She nodded and piled some food onto her plate.

"SO holding hands with him already huh?" She blushed slightly, trying to disguise it with scratching her neck and coughing. "Yeah, I'll explain later, just not here ok?" I nodded, knowing that if it needed to wait till later, it was probably embarrassing to her. About twenty minutes later the bell rang signaling it was time to get to our very first DADA class since we got back. It also meant that we had to face the Toad. I walked side by side with her thinking about her and Malfoy.

I hate to admit it...but they look like a good couple. I now Malfoy is hiding something though and I plan to find out what it is.

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