Chapter 1

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Jessica's POV

After the beating I got from my mom because I was home late, my whole body was sore and numb. I took a shower to at least soothe my body when the hot water hit ,my muscles relaxed. After that put my pjs on and went downstairs to watch t.v for a little while until I have to go to bed. When it was time for me to go to bed, I saw a note on the window. I went and grabbed it and read it.

Hi Jessica.

I was kind of scared because what kind of person would do this kind of thing of putting notes on people's windows. I looked out my window and saw 'him' the guy with no face. I took a step back only to be hit by the wall behind me. After a few minutes of staring at him, I had the courage to open my window. He came closer, and I was just there frightened. "Who are you?" I asked. "Slenderman but you can call me Slendy," he replied. "Well may I ask you what brings you here" " I have seen that you have been abused by your mother, and I want you to be safe and away from your abusive mother." "Uhh okay" "And I want to invite you to come live with me where you will be safe from the bad world." "I guess I can, not like my so called 'mom' would care." I still didn't trust him cuz I mean we barely met a few minutes ago. "Just give me a day to think about that, ok" "okay," he answered.

At last I saw him creep into the dark woods and disappear into the night. I was tired so I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Slendy's POV

I couldn't take seeing this beautiful girl getting beat by her mother, she doesn't deserve this. Wait what the hell am I thinking I can't love. I'm a cruel and heartless creature who kills children in order to satisfy their needs. And I still can't believe I actually invited her to live with me. She is very pretty and gorgeous indeed with her choppy black hair that falls all the way to the middle of her back and her grey eyes. But then again, I feel a connection to her like I need to protect her.

Jessica's POV

I searched up the 'Slenderman' on Google and it say that he kills adults, teens, and children but mostly children. He was also encountered all around the world ranging from North America till Russia and being alive for thousands of years. Ok, I change my mind. I'm not gonna live with him but will he kill me if I reject that. I was now feeling scared of the many possibilities of torture he can do to me mainly because I know he is not human.

10 more read and plz more likes and comments.

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