Chapter 28 - Last Chapter

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Jessica's POV

Hmm wonder what he meant, I'll get you. I mentally shrugged and continued to cuddle with Slendy. We watched the movie and then decided to go out to some place. "I want to go to the bakery", I told Slendy, hoping that we would go. He saw the enthusiasm in my eyes and said yes. We got in the car and drove to the bakery, it would be good since we're in the middle of winter. We arrived at the cute little shop and I looked around the place, admiring the elegant decorated walls. (Slendy is in human form)

Slendy nudged my side as if to say, uhhm. I looked at the man who was taking our orders and ordered a hot chocolate with marshmallows. He looked at me and winked. I slightly blush at his behavior while Slendy is standing there looking somewhat pissed but trying to hide it. He sucked at his poker face, I quietly laughed at that. "So your really hot, want to come on a date?", he asked. My face turned another 6 shades of red while Slendy is about to explode. "Sorry, this is my boyfriend," I said, motioning toward Slendy. He just glared at the poor innocent guy which earn a nervous chuckle.

We sat at a table for 2 while our drinks arrived. Slendy had some iced lemon tea and I had my hot chocolate with my blueberry muffin. "That was funny what you did up there Mr. Jealousy", I said with a smile. He looked down at his drink and blushed a little. "I was just overprotective", he stated. I giggled and gave him a quick peck on the lips. The guy who I turned down just looked Slendy burning holes on the back of his head. I ignored that and we just kept having small conversation.

We finished and I went to go throw our stuff in the trash can. I headed to the bathroom but just when i was about to open the women's bathroom, a hand covered my mouth. The person dragged me to a dark room. The person then switched the light which turned on to reveal the guy from the cash register. "I'm going to have you, no matter what." Right when I was about to yell for help, Slendy appeared in his monsterous form and tackled the guy to the ground. Slendy snapped his head and broke every bone in his body with no pressure.

He helped me up and we went home. His brother's were there. Slendy groaned which caused me to chuckle. I sat down on the couch to have a conversation with Trendy when suddenly I had the urge to vomit. I quickly ran to the bathroom to empty out all of my stuff. I felt sick, I grabbed one of the pregnancy tests. I went through the process and turned out to be positive. How am I suppose to explain this to Slendy? Will he break up with me? Or will he actually keep it?

I got out of the bathroom and made my way into the living room where all of the guys were at. "Guys, I need to tell you something." They turned their attention and heads to me while waiting for me to say something. "

"I'm pregnant."

End of first book.

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