Chapter 2

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Jessica's POV

I was feeling very nervous because I had to reject his offer of me living in his home. I mean I read about him yesterday and how he needs to kill innocent people in order to satisfy his needs. It's not something that I would say yes to. It's 7 at night and I'm just waiting for him. I then see a shadow and saw him appear. I opened the window. My hands were sweating and I felt the most pressure on me than I've ever felt before."so what did you come up with, do you want to live with me, yes or no?" Slendy asked me. "No, I'm sorry." I said trying not to stutter. "I won't take no as an answer." He replied picking me up with one of his tentacles. They were surprisingly comforting and warm. I felt safe but why, I mean he kills people. Suddenly he took off into the woods with amazing speed that it felt as if we were going at the speed of light. It stopped and I was set down onto a red velvet couch with cool looking spirals and white lace. "I told you no so why did you bring me anyways." I said, venom in my voice. "You are much safer here than with your so called mom and I could not handle seeing you being hurt." he replied. "And why would you care if I got hurt or not or wether I was treated like crap everyday, don't you kill people instead of help them so why did you just suddenly start to help a person like me. I'm nothing special, I'm not pretty, I'm not smart, I'm not anything. Just a ragdoll that people play with." I said which is actually the truth. Slendy just stayed there silent. Tears streamed down my face just remembering the most horrible times I've have experience with my mom or others. "Little one, you are pretty, you are smart, you are everything. I have chosen you because you are not understood by others but me. They don't know what pain is or what beauty is but you do." I was speechless, so he likes me. "So you want to protect me?" I asked waiting for an answer. "Yes little one, I do" he replied.

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