Chapter One

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First official chapter *smiles evilly* super excited






            Packing was taking forever and in the end I was doing nothing more than throwing a bunch of random stuff into my suitcases.  I grabbed a few of my favorite books and chucked them in.  I reached under my bed in case there was another one and pulled out a large leather bound book.  PHOTOS was printed across the top.  I checked my watch, I still had time.  I flipped to the first page.  It was a picture of my mother holding me as a baby.  I had looked just like her before the incident.  I flipped to the next one.  It was a picture of me with Pangaea, my large brown teddy bear.  Pangaea was the last thing my mother had given me.

            I kept on going through my younger years.  By the age of five I started to find some pictures with Jaxon.  I laughed to see one with our hair spiked up by pudding.  I flipped to the next page and paused.  There was a picture of me, Jaxon and a smaller looking Jaxon with us.  We were sitting on the slide that used to be in my backyard.  Huh, that must have been his younger brother.  What was his name?  Payton, no, that wasn’t it.  I slipped out the picture and looked at the back.  Jaxon age 10, Charlene age 6, Parker age 5.  Parker that was his name.  I hadn’t seen that kid since I was seven, which was the year that Jaxon’s parents got a divorce.  Parker looked almost identical to Jaxon.  He had long dark hair and fair skin, only Parker had iced blue eyes instead of a deep ocean blue.    

            “Charlene,” Jaxon opened my bedroom door a crack.  “Are you decent?”

            “Yup,” I answered as I shoved the photo album into my bag. 

            “We have to leave soon.  Get your stuff and come downstairs when you’re done.  Okay?” I nodded and he left.  It took me all of ten minutes to finish gathering my things before I met him on the ground floor.  My dad was with him, they were having a rather hushed conversation and they cut it off once I reached the bottom of the stairs.  CIA stuff I guess.  My dad smiled down at me.  I felt like such a dork in this outfit.  The prep school I was going to had uniforms, and disgusting ones at that.  I was wearing a plain gray skirt, with tights and a pair of flats.  The shirt was collared yet they wouldn’t let me wear a tie with it.  Man, I loved punk neck ties.  My dad came up to me and hugged me tightly.

            “Be safe,” he said in my ear.  I nodded.  “Okay, I guess you should go now, you don’t want to be late for your first day.” I nodded again, fighting tears.  I didn’t want to leave without my father.  My dad brought up a hand and ran it through his hair.  His sleeve came up a tad and I swear he had a tattoo on his wrist. 

            “Just call me if you need anything, okay?  Jaxon and Heather are staying just down the block from you so you should be safe.” I nodded again.  I wasn’t going to see my father until all of this terrorist stuff blew over, and he was still acting all professional.  I was on the verge of tears.

            “Come on,” Jaxon grabbed my arm.  “Let’s put your stuff in the car.”  I nodded again and wiped my sleeve across my face.  Luckily I didn’t wear makeup otherwise this shirt would no longer be a clean bright white.  Each of us grabbed a bag or two and loaded them into the back of Jaxon’s car.  While we did this Jaxon told me everything I needed to know about his girl Heather.  She was already going to be there, he would be staying in her apartment, and she would be home at all hours so I could go there whenever I needed to.  I gave my dad one last hug before he closed the passenger door for me. 

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