Chapter Twenty-Two

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I am so excited!  Eeep!  There are only three more chapters guys, and I am going to try and get them all uploaded in the next two weeks.  I will torture you no longer, sorry about that by the way, but the break really helped me feel the characters again.  So, show your support and don't forget to






            My heart was soaring.  Parker was okay, and Luke was with him.  They were going to come for me.  I frowned.  Luke didn’t like me anymore, he was mad, furious, disgusted.  That didn’t make any sense, but of course, nothing made any sense to me anymore. 

            Even if they were coming I couldn’t necessarily expect them to get to me, could I?  Parker was still weak and he was as frail as a tall necked vase.  Luke, well, Luke probably would have no clue as to what was even going on, and Pangaea was no battering ram.  I had to buy myself some time, I had to buy them some time.

            My dad was now whisper-yelling at the man right next to my chair.  I wiggled my fingers, preparing myself for what I was going to do next.  Unlucky for them, they had never tied me down in the chair.  My father glanced down at me and continued with his conversation.  I only caught blurbs, things such as ‘stupid’ and ‘police’, but that wasn’t important, what I was about to do next was.

            Once my dad’s attention went back to his conversation I coiled.  I spun out of my chair, grabbing it by the back and smacked the man closest to me as hard as I could.  I felt the wooden chair splinter under the impact as the man crumpled to the ground, one arm holding his shoulder as he rolled in pain.  My swing continued, not stopping with that man as I twisted, using the full power of my body. 

            The chair collided with my father next, right in his stomach.  He let out a solid ‘umph’ as he stumbled back.  The force of that blow tore the back of the chair apart, leaving me weaponless.  Everyone was still as my father stumbled back and leaned up against the wall, glaring at me with his bloodshot eyes.  A hand fell on my shoulder and I spun, my hand balled up in a fist.  The person caught my fist with their other hand.  My face softened as Jaxon stared down at me, he looked so sad, worried.

            “Go,” he said, nodding towards the door.  I froze, not sure what to do next, so he shoved me.  “Go!” He yelled as he threw me to the door. 

            I stumbled to the door and grabbed the handle, ripping it open and sprinting out of the room. 

            “Stop her!” Someone shouted.  Someone?  My dad.  I wasn’t three strides out before I stopped, taking in the scene before me.  I had to hide.  I had to get away from these people.  I could hear them moving back in the room so I took a step to my right and turned down an aisle of machines as I started to jog between them, trying to find a place where I could fit, a place where I would maybe get the upper hand.

            I could see a shadow cast by the base of one of the circular machines and I dove for it, immediately squeezing into the crawl space and attempting to turn around inside.  It was nothing more than a small crevice within the machine, probably a way to keep airflow and cool it down.  I turned around on the grate which was making just a tad too much noise for my liking before going still.

            My heart was speeding out of my chest, if they couldn’t see my panting breath in the chilly winter air, then they could hear the echo of my heart racing in the spherical little chamber that I was hiding in. I knew that I couldn’t stay here forever, they would find me, but when they did I was going to give them a fight they would never forget.

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