17: Refocused

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'I'm afraid, Lola,' Dr Robbins sighed a few hours later, 'You've been working so hard sorting everyone else out you've failed to notice your own problem.'
I bit my lip. 'So?'
'Your bleed is back. We're gonna try get you into surgery today, and Dr Shepherd'll fix it no problem.'
'Why has it come back?'
'Occasionally when we sew you back up it doesn't hold. It's rare, it won't happen again.'
'Jackson is doing just fine,' Dr Robbins rolled her eyes and I blushed. She knew how I felt.
'Is it really that obvious?' I asked, sheepishly.
'To me,' she said, turning to leave the room, 'But I'm very observant.'

'I have surgery again this afternoon,' I spoke quietly to Jackson soon after I got back to the ward, 'They're starving me again. I'm so hungry, it's unreal.'
'It-it'll help though,' he stammered, and I smiled to myself. 'It-it's worth it, as-as-as l-long as you're okay.'
I grinned fully now. 'Definitely,' i said, moving my chair away, 'I'll see you later.'
'Bye,' he smiled.

Oh. I think I might be in love.


Hey everyone! Just a quick update for you, more to come soon! Please check out my new story My Best Friend, based loosely on my own experiences with high school friendships. Thank you more than ever for reading! Much love- C xx

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