18: Doubles

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I woke up one morning to anguished cries of 'Jackson! Jackson!' and sat bolt upright instantly, causing everything to spin. The beds around me were white blues and it took me a few moments to even remember where I was. After I regained my composure, I looked around with clearer vision and I sighed with relief. It was just Dr Kepner, yelling at Dr Avery again. Those two were strange, one minute best friends, and the next at each other's throats.

'Hey, Lola,' Arizona strolled in, smiling, carrying my file with three interns flitting around behind her. So far, I'd managed to escape most of them, although they were still annoying from a distance, always wittering on about the hot guy who was always on paeds- Dr Karev I guessed, although I didn't see the attraction- and how boring their lectures where.
Dr Robbins instructed one of the interns to take my pulse and then my blood, and began talking to me whilst the third intern hopped about wanting a task too. It was quite distracting, but I focused on Arizona.
'So, you're having a surgery tomorrow,' she smiled, 'You've had similar before, so don't worry, and it's Shepherd, so you know you'll be in great hands.'
I nodded and stared at the intern, who looked like she was about to explode. Dr Robbins saw me looking and turned to stare at the unruly doctor.
'Dr Gomez,' she smiled patronising with an uncharacteristic cold stare, 'Do you want to practise presenting, as you made so many mistakes on your last three presentations?'
The intern looked terrified. 'Actually, I didn't-'
'Gomez. Present. Now.' The other two interns stared as Arizona rolled her eyes at me.
'Okay. Lola McCartney-'
'Everett.' I said, loudly. Arizona raised an eyebrow, and I shrugged. 'McCartney was their surname. Everett was my dads surname. That's the name I use.'
Arizona nodded to the intern, who scribbled a note down on the chart and continued to read. 'Lola Everett, fifteen year old female with recurring brain bleed but no obvious symptoms, PB.'
'PB?' I asked.
'Oh,' the intern smiled, 'It means we do your surgeries for-'
Arizona glared at her and she was silenced. I raised an eyebrow. 'Is there something wrong?'
'No, don't worry sweetie,' Dr Robbins smiled, 'It's just your type of patient, nothing for you to worry about. Hospital abbreviation system.'
I raised an eyebrow, but Dr Robbins was not easily broken. 'I'm seeing Jackson next, you want to come?'
I nodded, and the intern who had taken my blood rushed over for a wheelchair. I loaded myself in and was pushed alongside Arizona to Jackson's bed. The interns buzzed around me, eager to cut. I sighed as I took Jackson's hand. It was going to be a long day.

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