21: The End of the Beginning

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Hey everyone! Here's another a chapter. Please keep voting and commenting, it's what keeps me writing! Also-I'm sorry about this chapter. You'll know why. Much love- C xx

'Lola? Lola!' I heard a voice through the silence of the ward at night. I shook myself awake and turned to see Jackson's bedside lamp turned on.

'Are you okay?' I scrambled out of bed and stepped gently over to his side, pushing the nurses button just in case.
'Yeah, yeah, I'm good.' I stared at him incredulously, before I realised he was staring straight at me.
'Hi.' He smiled nervously, 'I can't believe I can see you.'
'You can see me? Are... are you sure?' I giggled at this ridiculous statement as soon as it came out of my mouth, but he just kept staring with that placid, dreamlike half-smile on his face.
'Sorry, that was stupid,' I smiled, involuntarily stroking his cheek. 'I can't believe it! You weren't supposed to see this early on, this is... this is a miracle!'

A nurse came bursting through the door. 'Is everything okay?'
'He can see! Nurse, he can see!'
She grabbed his chart and flipped through it. Jackson still stared up at me in the same, relaxed, happy position. I squeezed his arm and walked over to the nurse at the end of his bed.

I turned to look at her, and she glanced at Jackson then at the chart. After a second, she raised her head slowly to look at me, and then turned to look at Jackson. She had beautiful red hair, and a long, pinky-white neck, and huge ocean blue eyes as if she was constantly surprised. She raised her eyebrows, making them appear even bigger. I stared at her. 'What?'

I spun around to look at him, and saw him lying there, placid, smiling, peaceful, still in exactly the same position as I had left him a few moments ago. Neck at the same angle, not a wiry black hair out of place, soulful charcoal eyes staring. His lips were slightly parted, pale pink and a little dry, his duvet was neat and still tucked all around the edges. He was exactly in the centre of the bed, his head, though tilted, lay exactly central on the warm, slightly scratchy pillow and his ears were, as usual, inexplicably but definitely reddened at the edges.

The nurse slowly walked over to him, putting down the chart at the end of the bed. She adjusted her dress before sitting gently on the edge of the bed and reaching over to his face. I saw her shoulders relax slightly as she placed her finger and thumb on each eyelid, and pulled them closed. He had a little freckle on his left eyelid that I'd never noticed. He'd always had perfect skin, but this somehow made him more human.

Just to be sure, the nurse gently took his wrist and felt for a pulse. She smiled at me gently, and I noticed a quiver in her lip.
'You're Lola, aren't you?'
'Yes, I am.' My voice didn't shake.
'And this is Jackson Ito?'
Breathing heavily, I glanced at the bed, the silky skin, the perfectly tucked duvet, the wiry hair, and the freckle I'd never noticed.
I turned to the nurse, and smiled gently as she had done at me.

'It was.'

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